Sql Query Question

  • Its getting late and I am stumped with this question.

    I have the following scenario, I have a Person Table, a person has 0 or many properties associated with them, I need to be able to find all people that have all the following properties.

    Person Table

    PersonID (PK)




    PropertyID (PK)




    PersonID (PK)

    PropertyID (PK)


    What would the Sql Select statement look like where I want to find all users that have Property 2 and 6 and 9.




  • select Person.Name,Property.Name

    from PersonProperty

    join Person

    on Person.PersonID = PersonProperty.PersonID

    join Property

    on Property.PropertyID = PersonProperty.PropertyID

    where Property.PropertyID =2

    AND Property.PropertyID =6

    AND Property.PropertyID =9



  • Unfortunatly that does not work, when you have the where clause being


    Property.PropertyID =2

    AND Property.PropertyID =6

    AND Property.PropertyID =9

  • Hi,

    If you are dealing with a N to N relation on table PERSON and PROPERTY ( using the inbetween table PERSONPROPERTY ) I'd rather use;

    SELECT a.name

    FROM    person a,

               personproperty b,

               property c,

    WHERE  a.Personid = b.Personid

    AND      b.Personid = c.Personid

    AND      c.Personid in (2,6,9 )

    a) First of all the IN clause in much faster as using the AND in the where-clause.

    b) Better design you databases according to ( international ) standards. The column-names have to refer to the table-name so it can be determened where the PERSONID column ( with resides in all these 3 tables ) belong(s) to.

    Person table -- per_id (PK)


    Property table -- pro_id (PK)


    PersonProperty table -- pp_per_id (PK)

                                     pp_pro_id (PK)

    I'm a DBA for some time now and have been working in several companies but a good database design is hard to find!!!! 

  • Thanks for your reply, however the query would not work as the Property table does not have a PersonID column.

    If you change the query to the following it has the effect of ORing the values, I need to be able to get a list of people that have propertid 2 AND 6 AND 9

    SELECT a.name

    FROM    person a,

               personproperty b,

               property c,

    WHERE  a.Personid = b.Personid

    AND      b.Propertyid = c.Propertyid

    AND      c.Propertyid in (2,6,9 )

  • Mike, use the following query:

    SELECT a.name 
    FROM person a 
    INNER JOIN personproperty b ON a.Personid = b.Personid
    INNER JOIN property c ON b.Propertyid = c.Propertyid
    WHERE c.Propertyid in (2,6,9)
    GROUP BY a.name

    (I hope that name is unique in the person table)

    You should read this interesting article about Relational division, by Joe Celko:



  • Thanks Razvan, works really well.

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