Can I Open Cursor with Dynamic SQL?

  • I have a need to open a cursor with dynamic sql.  I want to pass in the database name and table name.  But can I do this?

    select @sql = 'SELECT distinct Table_Name FROM ' + @DBName + '.dbo.sysobjects o where o.type=''U'' and not like ''dt%'' and right(, 5) not like ''_Hist'

    select @sql = @sql + 'and not in (SELECT left(, len( Table_Name FROM sysobjects o where o.type=''U'' or and not like ''dt%'' and right(, 5) like ''_Hist'')'

    /* Loop Through Tables */



     select @sql

       -- I have tried all three syntax options to get this to work.


       --exec sp_executesql @sql

    OPEN tables_cursor

    DECLARE @tablename sysname

    FETCH NEXT FROM tables_cursor INTO @TableName

    WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)



    So far I am not having any luck.

    Thanks for the help...

  • The short answer is yes.  Here is an code example i just wrote using the Northwind DB:


    CREATE PROC test_dyn_w_cur (@TableName as varchar(50))


    declare @sql as nvarchar(2000)

    Select @sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' + @TableName

    declare @CurString as nvarchar(2000)

    Select @CurString = 'DECLARE tables_cursor CURSOR FAST_FORWARD


     select' + @sql +

    'OPEN tables_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM tables_cursor INTO @TableName

    WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)


    CLOSE tables_cursor

    DEALLOCATE tables_cursor'

    exec sp_executesql @sql




    While the short answer is yes, the correct answer is:

    Stay away from both dynamic sql and cursor if you can.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Frank,

    I heard from many SQL programmers and DBA's to stay away cursors. What other way can you run something like this:

    /* Variables that table info is read into. */

    DECLARE @StartDate datetime

    DECLARE @NbrOfPeriods int

    DECLARE @DateDiff char(8)

    DECLARE @StepPmtAmt Money

    /* Calculation Variables */

    DECLARE @TotPmt Money

    DECLARE @PeriodCount int, @DDCount int, @DDPeriodType char(2)

    DECLARE @CalcDate Datetime

    DECLARE @YearMonthIn char(6)

    DECLARE @CaseNo char(7)

    DECLARE @YearIn char(4)

    DECLARE @MonthIn char(2)

    SET @CaseNo = '0023048'

    SET @YearIn = '2004'

    SET @MonthIn = '05'

    SET @YearMonthIn = CONVERT(char(4),@YearIn)+CONVERT(char(2),@MonthIn)

    SET @CalcDate = @StartDate

    DECLARE StepCursor Cursor for

        SELECT  tblCaseSteps.StartDate, tblCaseSteps.NumberOfPeriods, tblCasePayScheduleTypes.[DateDiff], tblCaseSteps.PaymentAmount

        FROM    tblCasePayScheduleTypes INNER JOIN

                tblCaseSteps ON tblCasePayScheduleTypes.CasePaySchedCodeID = tblCaseSteps.CasePaySchedCodeID INNER JOIN

                vwMainCase ON tblCaseSteps.CaseID = vwMainCase.CaseID

        WHERE  (vwMainCase.CaseNumber = @CaseNo) and

               (@YearMonthIn >= CONVERT(char(4),YEAR(tblCaseSteps.StartDate))+


    OPEN StepCursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM StepCursor into @StartDate, @NbrOfPeriods, @DateDiff, @StepPmtAmt WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


        SET @PeriodCount = @NbrOfPeriods -1

        SET @CalcDate = @StartDate

        IF (@MonthIn = CONVERT(char(2),MONTH(@CalcDate))) AND (@YearIn = CONVERT(char(4),YEAR(@CalcDate)))

            SET @TotPmt = @TotPmt + @StepPmtAmt

        SET @DDPeriodType = rtrim(LEFT(@DateDiff,2))

    select @ddperiodtype, @periodCount, @nbrofperiods

        WHILE @PeriodCount > 0


            SET @DDCount = CONVERT(int,rtrim(SUBSTRING(@datediff,3,8)))

            WHILE @DDCount > 0


                EXEC ('SET @CalcDate = DATEADD(' + @DDPeriodType + ',1,@CalcDate)')

                SET @DDCount = @DDCount - 1


            IF (@MonthIn = CONVERT(char(2),MONTH(@CalcDate))) AND (@YearIn = CONVERT(char(4),YEAR(@CalcDate)))

                SET @TotPmt = @TotPmt + @StepPmtAmt

            IF @YearMonthIn < CONVERT(char(4),YEAR(@CalcDate))+CONVERT(char(2),MONTH(@CalcDate))

                SET @PeriodCount = 0

            ELSE SET @PeriodCount = @PeriodCount - 1


        FETCH NEXT FROM StepCursor into @StartDate, @NbrOfPeriods, @DateDiff, @StepPmtAmt END close StepCursor deallocate StepCursor Select @TotPmt

    Thank you in advance!

  • Thanks for the responses.

    While I normaly I would not use a cursor or dynamic SQL it is required in this case.  I am looping through tables and creating code base on the properties of the tables.  I will try to get around the dynamic problem by creating a stored procedure to preform all of the actions that I wanted to do in the cursor.

    What I would like to have when I am done is a code generator that I can install in a temporary database for developement purposes.  Then I can run the required code on the target table from here.  The object and code that I want to be generated will be created and then I will drop the development DB.  Because this will only reside on a development server I am not overly conserned with the resource issues involved with dynamic SQL and cursors. 

    However, for those that are not aware you should not use dynamic SQL because it does not make use of the stored execution plans that stored procedures, triggers and views do.  Thus slower execution.  Cursors are also resource intensive.  Problems can be induced by locked tables and cursor left open that can be avoided by just not using cursors.  That said there are times when the only way to do something is via a cursor.

  • Those times are few and far between...with user-defined functions, there are few if any times that you cannot convert your conditional processing via cursors to set based SQL statements.
    As for the third post, lookup DATEDIFF, DATEADD and DATEPART in BOL, I see no reason why you are converting your dates back in forth as from char's to int's...use a datetime or better yet a smalldatetime type for date calculations.
  • cmartinz,

    start a new thread on this. You should also add what your code is supposed to do.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • You can open a cursor with dynamic SQL. Please refer the following code for it:

    [It is a lengthy code, please refer to the section of th cursor]

    CREATE PROCEDURE sptdsgen(@tdstype varchar(1),

    @fin_year varchar(9),

    @tmonth varchar(2),@location varchar(3),

    @supplier nvarchar(1024),

    @issue_date varchar(10),

    @company_name varchar(60))



    set dateformat dmy


    @sqlstring nvarchar(2048),

    @cnt int,

    @cnt1 int,

    @vyear varchar(9),

    @vmonth varchar(2),

    @loc_code varchar(3),

    @sup_code int,

    @sup_name varchar(1000),

    @sname varchar(100),

    @rrentfrom datetime, -- added for rental periods in phase II

    @rrentto datetime, -- added for rental periods in phase II

    @s1 varchar(100),

    @s2 varchar(60),

    @s3 varchar(60),

    @s4 varchar(60),

    @s5 varchar(60),

    @s6 varchar(60),

    @S7 varchar(60),

    @s8 varchar(20),

    @s9 varchar(6),

    @sasl1 varchar(100),

    @sasl2 varchar(60),

    @sasl3 varchar(60),

    @sasl4 varchar(60),

    @sasl5 varchar(60),

    @sasl6 varchar(60),

    @sasl7 varchar(60),

    @sasl8 varchar(20),

    @sasl9 varchar(6),

    @sup_pan varchar(30),

    @sup_tan varchar(30),

    @nop_code varchar(2), --c

    @deduc_date varchar(10),

    @tds_period varchar(30), -- a

    @cyear varchar(4),

    @toyear varchar(4),

    @chal_no varchar(30),

    @tds_no int,

    @cmonth varchar(2),

    @cert_no varchar(30),

    @nop_name varchar(30),

    @sasl_name varchar(1000),

    @sasl_pan varchar(30),

    @sasl_tan varchar(30),

    @chal_det varchar(30),

    @printhdr varchar(1),

    @printdet varchar(1)

    SET @cnt = 0

    SET @cnt1 = 0

    /** Pick Schlumberger details **/

    SELECT @sasl1 = sup_name,@sasl2 = sup_address,

    @sasl3 = sup_flatno,@sasl4 = sup_building,

    @sasl5 = sup_lane,@sasl6 = sup_area,

    @sasl7 = sup_city,@sasl8 = sup_state,@sasl9 = sup_pin,

    @sasl_tan = sup_tan,@sasl_pan=sup_pan

    FROM tdsupmst

    WHERE sup_code = '9999'


    IF len(@sasl1) > 0

    set @sasl_name = @sasl1

    IF len(@sasl2) > 0

    set @sasl_name = @sasl_name + char(13) + @sasl2

    IF len(@sasl3) > 0

    set @sasl_name = @sasl_name + char(13) + @sasl3

    IF len(@sasl4) > 0

    set @sasl_name = @sasl_name + ' ' + @sasl4

    IF len(@sasl5) > 0

    set @sasl_name = @sasl_name + char(13) + @sasl5

    IF len(@sasl6) > 0

    set @sasl_name = @sasl_name + ' ' + @sasl6

    IF len(@sasl7) > 0

    set @sasl_name = @sasl_name + char(13) + @sasl7

    IF len(@sasl9) > 0

    set @sasl_name = @sasl_name + '-' + @sasl9

    IF len(@sasl8) > 0

    set @sasl_name = @sasl_name + char(13) + @sasl8


    IF @tdstype = 'M'


    IF @tmonth >= '4' AND @tmonth <= '12'

    SET @cyear = left(@fin_year,4)


    SET @cyear = right(@fin_year,4)

    SET @tds_period = datename(month, cast('01.' + @tmonth+ '.'+@cyear as varchar(10))) + ',' + @cyear

    set @sqlstring = N'DECLARE crtdsno CURSOR'+ char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'FOR' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'Select a.vyear,a.vmonth,a.cloc_code,a.sup_code,c.sup_name,a.nop_code' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'FROM tdvouchr a,tdchamst b,tdsupmst c' +char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'WHERE a.vtype = ''1''' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'AND a.rowid = b.rowid' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'AND a.sup_code = c.sup_code' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'AND a.cloc_code = c.loc_code' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring +N'AND a.vyear = '''+ @fin_year + '''' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring +N'AND a.vmonth = '''+ @tmonth + '''' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring +N'AND a.cloc_code = '''+ @location + '''' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring +N'AND a.sup_code IN ('+ @supplier + ')' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring +N'AND b.tds_no = ''0''' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring +N'group by a.vyear,a.vmonth,a.cloc_code,a.sup_code,c.sup_name,a.nop_code' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring +N'Order By cloc_code,sup_name,nop_code' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring +N'For read only'

    /*Print @sqlstring*/

    exec sp_executesql @sqlstring

    OPEN crtdsno

    FETCH NEXT FROM crtdsno INTO @vyear,@vmonth,@loc_code,@sup_code,@sup_name,


    Select @cmonth = DATEPART(mm, getdate())

    WHILE (@@fetch_status -1)


    IF (@@fetch_status -2)


    Begin Transaction

    /** to check type of tds generation **/

    SELECT sup_code from tdsuptds

    WHERE fin_year = @fin_year

    AND loc_code = @loc_code

    AND sup_code = @sup_code

    IF @@rowcount = 0

    INSERT INTO tdsuptds(fin_year,loc_code,sup_code,tds_type)



    /** Generate tds no **/

    Select @tds_no = last_value + 1

    from tdcodgen

    WHERE keyflds = 'tds_no'

    /**masked for reprinting query to work **/

    --IF convert(int, @tmonth) >=1 AND convert(int, @tmonth) 0

    set @sup_name = @s1

    IF len(@s2) > 0

    set @sup_name = @sup_name + char(13) + @s2

    IF len(@s3) > 0

    set @sup_name = @sup_name + char(13) + @s3

    IF len(@s4) > 0

    set @sup_name = @sup_name + char(13) + @s4

    IF len(@s5) > 0

    set @sup_name = @sup_name + char(13) + @s5

    IF len(@s6) > 0

    set @sup_name = @sup_name + char(13) + @s6

    IF len(@s7) > 0

    set @sup_name = @sup_name + char(13) + @S7

    IF len(@s8) > 0

    set @sup_name = @sup_name + char(13) + @s8

    IF len(@s9) > 0

    set @sup_name = @sup_name + char(13) + @s9


    /** Insert into tds header table **/

    INSERT into tdtdshdr





    IF @@RowCount > 0

    SET @cnt = 1

    /** Insert into tds detail table **/

    Insert into tdtdsdet


    Select @cert_no,a.tdeduction_date,

    --sum(b.gross_amt - (b.taxable_amt * a.tax_rate/100)) as gross,

    --Changed by Samit Yadav only Gross amount to be reflected in Report not Net

    sum(b.gross_amt) as gross,

    sum(b.taxable_amt * a.tax_rate/100) as tax,


    From tdvouchr a,tdinvdet b, tdbnkmst c,tdchamst d

    WHERE a.vtype = '1'

    AND a.rowid = d.rowid

    AND a.vyear = b.vyear

    AND a.vmonth = b.vmonth

    AND a.cloc_code = b.cloc_code

    AND a.sup_code = b.sup_code

    AND a.vcode = b.vcode

    AND a.vtype = b.vtype

    AND d.challan_bank = c.bank_code

    AND a.cloc_code = @loc_code

    AND a.sup_code = @sup_code

    AND a.vyear = @fin_year

    AND a.vmonth = @tmonth

    --AND convert(varchar(10), a.tdeduction_date,103) = @deduc_date

    AND d.tds_no = @cert_no

    group by a.tdeduction_date,a.tax_rate,d.challan_no,d.challan_date,c.bank_name,

    IF @@rowcount > 0

    SET @cnt1 = 1

    If @@error = 0

    COMMIT Transaction


    ROLLBACK Transaction


    FETCH NEXT FROM crtdsno INTO @vyear,@vmonth,@loc_code,@sup_code,@sup_name,



    /*If @@error = 0

    COMMIT Transaction


    ROLLBACK Transaction*/


    IF @tdstype = 'Y'


    SET @cyear = left(@fin_year,4)

    SET @toyear = right(@fin_year,4)


    --SET @tds_period = '01.04.' + @cyear + ' ' + 'to' +' ' + '30.03.' + @toyear

    SET @tds_period = '01.04.' + @cyear + ' ' + 'to' +' ' + '31.03.' + @toyear

    --C END

    --print @tds_period

    set @sqlstring = N'DECLARE crtdsno CURSOR'+ char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'FOR' + char(13)

    --set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'Select a.vyear,a.cloc_code,a.sup_code,a.nop_code, b.challan_no' + char(13)


    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'Select a.vyear,a.cloc_code,a.sup_code,c.sup_name,a.nop_code,a.rentfrom,a.rentto' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'FROM tdvouchr a,tdchamst b, tdsupmst c' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'WHERE a.vtype = ''1''' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'AND a.rowid = b.rowid' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'AND a.sup_code = c.sup_code' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'AND a.cloc_code = c.loc_code' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'AND a.vyear = '''+ @fin_year + '''' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'AND a.cloc_code = '''+ @location + '''' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'AND a.sup_code IN ('+ @supplier + ')' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring + N'AND tds_no = ''0''' + char(13)

    --set @sqlstring = @sqlstring +N'group by a.vyear,a.cloc_code,a.sup_code,a.nop_code,b.challan_no' + char(13)

    --Changed by Samit

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring +N'group by a.vyear,a.cloc_code,a.sup_code,c.sup_name,a.nop_code,a.rentfrom,a.rentto' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring +N'Order By cloc_code,sup_name,nop_code,rentfrom' + char(13)

    set @sqlstring = @sqlstring +N'For read only'

    exec sp_executesql @sqlstring

    OPEN crtdsno

    --FETCH NEXT FROM crtdsno INTO @vyear,@loc_code,@sup_code,@nop_code,@chal_no


    --Challan Number was droped from the Query

    FETCH NEXT FROM crtdsno INTO @vyear,@loc_code,@sup_code,@sname,@nop_code,@rrentfrom,@rrentto

    Select @cmonth = DATEPART(mm, getdate())

    WHILE (@@fetch_status -1)


    IF (@@fetch_status -2)


    Begin Transaction

    SELECT sup_code from tdsuptds

    WHERE fin_year = @fin_year

    AND loc_code = @loc_code

    AND sup_code = @sup_code

    IF @@RowCount = 0

    INSERT INTO tdsuptds(fin_year,loc_code,sup_code,tds_type)


    /** Generate tds no **/

    Select @tds_no = last_value + 1

    from tdcodgen

    WHERE keyflds = 'tds_no'

    --SET @cert_no = 'SASL'+ '/' + cast(datepart(mm, getdate()) as varchar(2)) + '/'+ cast(@tds_no as varchar(4))

    /** included financial year in (yearly) certificate genr.;company name is passed parameter - phase II **/

    SET @cert_no = @company_name + '/' + @fin_year + '/' + cast(@tds_no as varchar(4))


    --The Query needs to be changed Since the Challan Number was droped from the Cursor

    UPDATE tdchamst

    SET tds_no = @cert_no

    WHERE challan_no = @chal_no

    AND EXISTS(select sup_code from tdvouchr

    WHERE tdchamst.rowid = tdvouchr.rowid

    AND tdvouchr.cloc_code = @loc_code

    AND tdvouchr.sup_code = @sup_code

    AND tdvouchr.nop_code = @nop_code

    AND tdvouchr.vyear = @vyear)


    UPDATE tdchamst

    SET tds_no = @cert_no

    WHERE EXISTS(select sup_code from tdvouchr

    WHERE tdchamst.rowid = tdvouchr.rowid

    AND tdvouchr.cloc_code = @loc_code

    AND tdvouchr.sup_code = @sup_code

    AND tdvouchr.nop_code = @nop_code

    AND tdvouchr.vyear = @vyear)

    UPDATE tdcodgen

    SET last_value = @tds_no

    WHERE keyflds = 'tds_no'



    SELECT @nop_name = nop_name

    FROM tdratmst

    WHERE nop_code = @nop_code


    --This change was made to pick up Rental in case of Rental Company/Non-Company

    SELECT @nop_name = nop_name FROM tdratmst

    WHERE nop_code=(SELECT nop_parent FROM tdratmst WHERE nop_code =@nop_code )

    --C ---END

    /** Pick supplier details **/

    SELECT @s1 = sup_name,@s2=sup_address,

    @s3 = sup_flatno,@s4 = sup_building,@s5 = sup_lane,

    @s6 = sup_area,@s7 = sup_city,

    @s8 = sup_state ,@s9 = sup_pin,

    @sup_pan = sup_pan

    FROM tdsupmst

    WHERE sup_code = @sup_code

    AND loc_code = @loc_code


    If len(@s1) > 0

    set @sup_name = @s1

    IF len(@s2) > 0

    set @sup_name = @sup_name + char(13) + @s2

    IF len(@s3) > 0

    set @sup_name = @sup_name + char(13) + @s3

    IF len(@s4) > 0

    set @sup_name = @sup_name + char(13) + @s4

    IF len(@s5) > 0

    set @sup_name = @sup_name + char(13) + @s5

    IF len(@s6) > 0

    set @sup_name = @sup_name + char(13) + @s6

    IF len(@s7) > 0

    set @sup_name = @sup_name + char(13) + @S7

    IF len(@s8) > 0

    set @sup_name = @sup_name + char(13) + @s8

    IF len(@s9) > 0

    set @sup_name = @sup_name + char(13) + @s9


    IF @rrentfrom ''


    SET @cyear = DATEPART(yyyy,@rrentfrom)

    SET @toyear = DATEPART(yyyy,@rrentto)

    SET @tds_period = '01.04.' + @cyear + ' ' + 'to' +' ' + '31.03.' + @toyear


    /** Insert into tds header table **/

    INSERT into tdtdshdr






    IF @@RowCount > 0

    SET @cnt = 1

    /** Insert into tds detail table **/

    Insert into tdtdsdet


    Select @cert_no,a.tdeduction_date,

    --sum(b.gross_amt - (b.taxable_amt * a.tax_rate/100)) as gross,

    --C only Gross amount to be reflected in Report not Net

    --C Gross amount Changed to Taxable

    sum(b.taxable_amt) as gross,

    sum(b.taxable_amt * a.tax_rate/100) as tax,


    From tdvouchr a,tdinvdet b, tdbnkmst c, tdchamst d

    WHERE a.vtype = '1'

    AND a.rowid = d.rowid

    AND a.vyear = b.vyear

    AND a.vmonth = b.vmonth

    AND a.cloc_code = b.cloc_code

    AND a.sup_code = b.sup_code

    AND a.vcode = b.vcode

    AND a.vtype = b.vtype

    AND d.challan_bank = c.bank_code

    AND a.cloc_code = @loc_code

    AND a.sup_code = @sup_code

    AND a.nop_code = @nop_code

    AND a.vyear = @fin_year

    AND d.tds_no = @cert_no

    group by a.tdeduction_date,a.tax_rate,d.challan_no,d.challan_date,c.bank_name,

    IF @@RowCount > 0

    SET @cnt1 = 1

    /** Updating issue dates for all certificates which have all transactions against same challan **/

    UPDATE tdtdshdr

    SET issue_date = CASE

    WHEN DATEPART(dw, c.challan_date + 7) = 1 THEN c.challan_date + 8

    WHEN DATEPART(dw, c.challan_date + 7) 1 THEN c.challan_date + 7


    FROM tdtdsdet c

    WHERE tdtdshdr.tds_no = c.tds_no

    AND tdtdshdr.tds_no = @cert_no

    AND exists(select a.tds_no from tdtdsdet a

    WHERE 1 = ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT challan_no ) FROM tdtdsdet b

    WHERE a.tds_no = b.tds_no)

    AND tdtdshdr.tds_no = a.tds_no)

    IF @@error = 0

    COMMIT Transaction


    ROLLBACK Transaction


    --FETCH NEXT FROM crtdsno INTO @vyear,@loc_code,@sup_code,@nop_code,@chal_no

    --Changed by Samit

    --Challan Number was droped from the Query

    FETCH NEXT FROM crtdsno INTO @vyear,@loc_code,@sup_code,@sname,@nop_code,@rrentfrom,@rrentto



    CLOSE crtdsno

    deallocate crtdsno

    IF @@error = 0


    IF @cnt > 0 AND @cnt1 > 0

    RETURN(1) -- with rows


    RETURN(2) --without rows



    RETURN (3) --with errors



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