Estimate the rbutime of a query

  • Hi,

    I wondering if there is a way to estimate on the fly how long a query will take to execute ...

    I'm not looking for a perfect estimation but just for an info !


  • I use this.  There are probably better ways:

    set nocount on

    declare @testtime as varchar(30)

    set @Testtime = convert(varchar(30), getdate(), 126)

    print @testtime

    === > Run query here

    set @Testtime = convert(varchar(30), getdate(), 126)

    print @testtime


  • Thanks !

    But I would like to estimate the time before executiong the query ...

  • I don't have a clue how you can do that other then a crystal ball.  Another method besides the first one I mentioned would be:

    From Query Analyzer click on "query" and select:

    Show Execution Plan

    Show Server Trace

    Show Client Statistics

    The statistics will be in tabs under the results grid.  I don't know enough about them to really help analyze the results.



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