Simple Query problem - QUery Analyser operation

  • Howdy,

    This is driving me nuts......when I write a query ( In Query Analyser ) to perform a select into ( to load data & create a table at the same time ) all goes well. Then I decide I want to alter the table by adding columns in the same chunk of code. Then I want to select values from the modified table.

    All goes well if I select into then modify, the table only, but not if I select into, modify then select again. I have tried using serialised transactions, begin & end statements, stored procedures - no joy.

    I suspect its something to do with the TSQL query optimiser perhaps getting ahead of itself. Is there a certain sequence the query optimiser does things & if so where can I find this info?

    The code :


    select * into #drive from tbl_disk_SQL1

    alter table #drive add [ID] INT IDENTITY (1,1)

    alter table #drive add drive_total INT

    select * from #drive


    Any suggestions welcome!!

    Thanks in advance...


  • I can't replicate the error. I don't have tbl_disk_SQL1, so I tried with Authors from Pubs. ie:

    select * into #drive from pubs..authors

    alter table #drive add [ID] INT IDENTITY (1,1)
    alter table #drive add drive_total INT
    select * from #drive

    No errors were returned, and the final select showed the populated ID and null drive_total fields at the end of each row. What error/s are you getting?

    BTW. Another way you can achieve much the same, without ALTERs, is:

    select ID=IDENTITY(INT,1,1), *, drive_total=CAST(0 AS INT)
    into #drive from pubs..authors
    select * from #drive


    - Mark

    Edited by - mccork on 08/10/2003 10:37:43 PM

    - Mark

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