row count in full-text indexing catalog

  • Looking into full-text indexing, I found this warning: "

    you will encounter performance issues when you reach 1 million rows in the search catalog table."  Is the item count, the unique key count, or something else the way to tell how many rows are in the search catalog?


  • Doubt this will help much:

    I have 1788416 in the item count and 4330642 in the unique key count and performance is more than acceptable for my users.


  • Any information that I can get helps.



  • You can use the following metadata Full Text Search (FTS) queries to obtain info from the FT Catalog. Try executing the following SQL code in your FT-enabled database:

    -- Number of unique words

    select FulltextCatalogProperty('<FT_Catalog>', 'UniqueKeyCount')

    -- row count + 1

    select FullTextCatalogProperty('<FT_Catalog>', 'itemcount')

    -- Size of the full-text index

    select FullTextCatalogProperty('<FT_Catalog>', 'indexsize')

    See "Full Text Indexing using T-SQL from a Profiler Trace" as for more details

    I am courious where you saw the above warning. Was in the BOL or when you were executing a SQL FTS query?



    John T. Kane

  • Thank you. 

    The warning is on the Microsoft site:


  • Interesting that you found this info about "Searching with SQL Server 2000" on a web page at "Administrator's Guide for Windows Sharepoint Services" and not on a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 web page. While SharePoint may or may not have the best interests of SQL Server at heart, you might want to review the web page "Full-Text Search Recommendations" at:

    and use the SQL Server 2000 Full Text Search (FTS) performance tuning recommendations to tune your server's hardware and software configurations as many, many customers of SQL Server 2000 are in fact using FTS with tables that contain many millions of rows as I have worked with many of them!



    SQL Full Text Search Blog



    John T. Kane

  • I found it because I was looking at some new SharePoint db that just came to me, and I noticed that they were using SQL Server's full-text searching capabilities.  I was trying to look into our options when I found the warning (our catalog has just about a million rows and is growing rapidly -- estimate minimum of 1,000 a week.) 

    I'll re-read the link that you sent.



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