Simple T-SQL question to help a newbie

  • Hi all, I am trying to write a query that has my brain in a knot. I have a table which contains employees. I wish to select only employees who have a surname that only appears once. So, for example, if I had one fellow named Baker and 3 named Smith, I want the query to simply return Baker and dnore the Smiths because their surname appeared more than once. any help appreciated. jw

  • If I am reading what you are writing correctly, you would like the results to only return Baker, because that name only appears 1 time.  Here is the code that will do that.  just copy it into query analyzer and it should work.

    declare @t table (

     tid int,

     tname varchar(5)


    INSERT INTO @T (tid, tname) VALUES (2,'Baker')

    INSERT INTO @T (tid, tname) VALUES (3,'Smith')

    INSERT INTO @T (tid, tname) VALUES (4,'Smith')

    INSERT INTO @T (tid, tname) VALUES (5,'Smith')

    select distinct tname from @t group by tname having count(tname) = 1

  • forgot to delete the distinct from the query.  It is redundant.

  • Yup, that did it. Thanks David

  • Why not:

    SELECT COUNT(*), Surname FROM Employees

    GROUP BY Surname

    HAVING COUNT(*) = 1

  • Randy,

    Your suggestion returns too much. It returns the count (SELECT COUNT(*)) which isn't what the poster requested.


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