Trim functions and Unicode fields??

  • Hey,

    I'm having some trouble trimming white space off the end of an nVarchar text field.

    If I try and return the value in the field using trim functions, e.g.

    select ltrim(rtrim([Field]))

    from Table

    where [Field] like '%value%'

    There are still two 'spaces' at the end of the text. I say spaces because if you take one of these characters and return the unicode value it's 32 .... is this correct?? If so then is there another way that you should approach trimming unicode fileds???

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • What data type are you using to store the unicode nchar, nvarchar, or ntext?

    Give me a sample of one of the entries... 


  • The field datatype is nVarchar....

    Here is a copy and paste of one of the values in the table... 'Daytona  '

  • Hey... have just copied the value from my previous posting and tried to trim it... and it works... I think it will be hard to replicate the issue without having the original data....

  • What are you looking at to determine the two spaces?

    RTrim works with nvarchar, eg

    declare @x nvarchar(20)

    set @x = 'Daytona  '

    select cast(@x as varbinary)

    select cast(rtrim(@x) as varbinary)

    select '"'+rtrim(@x)+'"'





    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Cheers David,

    Well I have to come clean... turns out the two chars at the end of each field are in fact a carrage return / line feed not spaces. The data was originally loaded into SQL Server from an excel file via DTS transformation. Somehow when running the query in query analyser these were manifested as spaces???

    Anyhow, thaks for your input.

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