Help With a query

  • Hello,

    I am trying to retrieve distinct ClientID's that match more than 1 item for example my query is currently

    Select distinct ClientID from ClientRegs where RegionID = 1 and RegionID = 28

    The Table structure example is

    ClientID RegionID

    222         1

    222        28

    444         1

    444        44

    So I want the above query to return only 222 because it is the only client id that has a record for RegionID 1 and 28.

    The above query doesn't work because the RegionID column will never be both 1 and 28 on the same record.

    I've also tried

    Select distinct ClientID from ClientRegs where RegionID = 1 or RegionID = 28

    This query does not work because it will return 444 and 222.

    Does anyone know if what I'm trying to do is possible and how it would be done?



  • Here's a couple of methods:

    create table clients (clientid int, regionid int)

    insert into clients

    select 222,1


    select 222,28


    select 444,1


    select 444,44

    select clientid from


    where regionid = 28

    and clientid in


     select clientid from clients where regionid = 1


    select clients.clientid

    from clients

    inner join


     select clientid from clients where regionid = 1

    ) x

    on clients.clientid = x.clientid

    and regionid = 28


    If however, you might have any number of regionid's then you're going to need to use dynamic sql.  Let me know and I'll post you a version with dynamic sql - not very fast though.

    Dave Hilditch.

  • Here's another version that does not require any joins:

    Select ClientID from ClientRegs

    where RegionID = 1 or RegionID = 28

    group by ClientID

    having count(ClientID) > 1



    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • Thanks to everyone that posted. I used

    select clientid from


    where regionid = 28

    and clientid in


     select clientid from clients where regionid = 1


    and it works

    Enthusiast it seems your suggestion is a simple solution I may try it although I have already wrote the code using the other statement.

    Thanks For all the information.



  • I like this method! My usual solution to such requirements is to use selfjoins or EXISTS subqueries, but I think in future, at least when doing quick-n-dirty stuff in QA, I will use this method. If we switch to using IN for the (here) RegionID list, this is the quickest method (in typing terms ) to extend:

    select ID from Thing where OtherID IN ( 3,4,5 ) -- just type new ones here
    group by ID having count(ID) > 2 -- and make sure this is the number of OtherIDs to match, less one



    SELECT ClientID FROM ClientRegs WHERE RegionID=1 AND ClientID in

     (SELECT ClientID FROM ClientRegs WHERE RegionID='2')



  • Yeah, I usually use a self-join for something like this.  I tested it out, though, and using the group by costs half of using the self-join.

    Nice technique!  I would not have expected this result.

    create table #clients (clientid int, regionid int)

    insert into #clients

    select 222,1


    select 222,28


    select 444,1


    select 444,44


    --cost = .0931

    select c1.ClientID

    From  #Clients c1

    JOIN #Clients c2 on c1.ClientID = c2.ClientID

    where c1.RegionID = 1 and c2.RegionID = 28


    --cost = .0490

    Select ClientID

    from #Clients

    where RegionID in( 1, 28)

    group by ClientID

    having count(ClientID) > 1

    Signature is NULL

  • If you add a clustered index to the table though....

    create clustered index idx_foo on #clients (clientid) 

    --cost = .0443

    select c1.ClientID

    From  #Clients c1

    JOIN #Clients c2 on c1.ClientID = c2.ClientID

    where c1.RegionID = 1 and c2.RegionID = 28

    --cost = .0376

    Select ClientID

    from #Clients

    where RegionID in( 1, 28)

    group by ClientID

    having count(ClientID) > 1

    Which should mean that the group by is still quicker if you trust Execution Plan cost estimation as a means of measuring the speed something will run at.  It's really just a cost for internal use - for true time estimates you should look at the statistics provided by the server.

    I ran the statistics and it looks like the group by is still quicker though.

    Dave Hilditch.

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