Help Needed in deploying the Report

  • Hello, 
     I created the report in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services and 
    I am able to take the preview and everything is coming fine. 
    But I am not able to deploy the solution.
    The error it is showing is "No report Server was found at 
    http://localhost/Reports$SQLServer2005". Can anybody help me in 
    resolving the issue? I tried changing the settings in IIS 
    but couldnt rectify the issue. 
    Thanks in Advance
    Nivedita Sundar.N.
  • Is your reporting server located on the computer your working on ?

    If not you will need to change 'localserver' to the name of the machine with reporting services installed.


    1. In TargetServerURL, type the report server virtual directory; for example, http://servername/reportserver. (This is the virtual directory of the report server, not Report Manager.)

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