Biggest machine?

  • We have just bought another SQL box. Nothing to fancy by many standards but a beast compared to what we have.

    All queries on this box run much faster than the old one. I would like to know what does it take to slow SQL down. (Assuming your query is efficient!)

    I was reading some old ('94) computer magazines and the did a test on the different databases. The main test was loading and building indexes of 4 tables each with 1 million rows. Unfortunatly MS SQL was not included but the stats were funny. Worse one took around 50 hours to complete (Including recovery from crashes ) The best was 60 minutes by Oracle.

    Today, a million rows considered small. What is considered large?



    Something as incredibly simple as

    binary still gives you too many options

    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

  • That depedns on multiple factors and the speed of various hardware components of the machine. When an index is built the CPU(s), amount of RAM, HD IO subsystem and the motherboard bandwidth all paly a part in the building of the index. So the answer to your question really is whatever you machine chokes down. 1 of my machines here will complete an index build on 10 million rows in about 45 minutes, another 32 and the fastest will do in about 18. So the answer is hardware bound not data bound. But keep in mind there can be data factors as well such as other indexes, stats and the type and width of the data being sorted into the index.

  • I speculate that in 'normal' usage conditions on a 32bit chip you'ld see an all round performance deterioration if you needed more than 4,294,967,296 (*) indexed records in a table .... but I've never been there myself 🙂

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