selecting only those "best" results that meet specified criteria

  • I have a table, faults, with three data columns.  The first two data columns, eventId

    and causeId, are primary keys for other tables, causes and events respectively.  The

    third column is the probability that a given cause is responsible for the corresponding


    I'm trying to find the eventIds for which the most likely cause has specified characteristics.

    My "best" attempt, using "select top 1", returns all 'banana peel' events.  (The

    "f.causeId = (select top 1 ...)" clause is basically an expensive no-op.)

        select f.eventId

        where (f.causeId = c.causeId)

          and ( = 'banana peel')

          and (f.causeId = (select top 1 t.causeId

                            where (f.eventId = t.eventId)

                            from faults t

                            orderby t.probability desc))

        from faults f, causes c

    How do I select events for which 'banana peel' is the most likely cause?

  • I think this will perform better.

    SELECT Distinct F.EventID, CauseID

       FROM Faults F INNER JOIN (SELECT MAX(Probability) MaxProb, EventID

          FROM Faults GROUP BY EventID) MP

          ON (MP.MaxProb=F.Probability and MP.EventID=F.EventID)

       WHERE CauseID='Banana Peel'


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