June 11, 2004 at 12:03 pm
I am trying to output a value from a sproc to a global variable in a Execute Sql Task. When I execute the task it will allow me to pass the input variable in but it wont let me capture the output of the sproc and send it to my global variable. Here is the sproc:
alter procedure prRecCount @vTbl varchar(25) as
@sql varchar(2000),
@vCnt int
set @sql = 'select cnt from openquery( {servername}, ''select count(*) cnt from ' + @vTbl +''')'
here is the code that I am executing from the Execute Sql Task:
execute prRecCount ?
Steve Johnson
June 14, 2004 at 8:00 am
This was removed by the editor as SPAM
June 15, 2004 at 2:37 pm
try declaring the varibale explicitly as "output" variable (see below) and check if it is working for you?
alter procedure prRecCount @vTbl varchar(25) as
@sql varchar(2000) output,
@vCnt int
set @sql = 'select cnt from openquery( {servername}, ''select count(*) cnt from ' + @vTbl +''')'
Hope this help!!
June 16, 2004 at 10:41 am
Use a variable to store the sp's returned value, so long as the sp returns a single value (not multiple values)?
For example:
exec @recCount = prRecCount ?
June 17, 2004 at 6:48 am
Try this
alter procedure prRecCount @vTbl varchar(25) as
@sql varchar(2000),
@vCnt int
set @sql = 'select @vCnt = cnt from openquery( {servername},''select count(*) cnt from ' + @vTbl +''')'
exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@vCnt output', @vCnt output
return @vCnt
declare @reccount int
exec @reccount = prRecCount 'tablename'
Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.
June 21, 2004 at 2:30 pm
Here is how I was able to address the issue that I was having. I ended up creating a sproc that altered another sproc.
1. sproc:
CREATE procedure prAlterprRecCount @vTbl varchar(25) as
@sql2 varchar(2000)
set @sql2 = 'alter procedure prRecCount as declare @sql varchar(2000) set @sql = ''select cnt from openquery( {Server Name}, ''''select count(*) cnt from ' + @vTbl
set @sql2 = @sql2 + ''''')'' execute(@sql)'
execute (@sql2)
2. sproc:
CREATE procedure prRecCount as declare @sql varchar(2000) set @sql = 'select cnt from openquery( tatooine, ''select count(*) cnt from pub.customer'')' execute(@sql)
We were able to create a DTS that we can pass a table name into and get a record count from a linked server database .
Thank you all for your input it is always greatly appriciated
Steve Johnson
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