How Do you Specify Multiple Tables for DMO Script Method?

  • How do you specify multiple tables to the DMO script method (within a T-SQL s.p.) called by sp_OAMethod?  Also how do you specify all tables in the database ?

    The example below scripts the drop/create of 1 pubs table ("authors") but what is the syntax for specifying a list of tables?  I've tried:

    tables("authors, publishers")



    SET @ScriptType = '"'+CAST((

                            1 | -- DROP option

                            4 | -- CREATE option

                            64  -- don't return script to caller

                                -- (write to script file only)

                            ) AS VARCHAR(80))+'"'

          SET @Script2Type  = '"0"' -- no scripting options

          SET @ScriptFilePath = '"C:\Create_pubs_tables.sql"'

          SET @ScriptExecString

          = 'Databases("pubs").Tables("authors").Script '


                EXEC @ErrorStatus

               = sp_OAMethod



    I'm sure this is probably easier to do in VBScript but I'd like to know how to do this in T-SQL.


  • I'd suggest making it work in VBS to start with, then porting it to TSQL if you have a reason (or interest) in doing so. As I remember you can only do one table at a time, you would need a loop to make it work - in either language.

  • I didn't find anything on how to specify more than 1 table on a call to the script method (which may be impossible).  But this doesn't matter since calling it within a table loop with arg ScriptType=74077 (whatever bitwise OR that results from I'll never know) and the same script output file will neatly append everything the T-SQL script for all tables into the same script output file.  I found this on


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