Install MSDE while SQL 2000 already been installed

  • How to install MSDE on desktop while SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition already been installed?

    We'd like to install MSDE and developing a VB6 code for our stores using. The same VB6 code already been developed with ADO in SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition in our headquarter data center. I have problem to install MSDE on my desktop due to a Full Version of SQL 2000 has been installed.

    Q. 1, How to solve this issue for installation? Second instance? If second instance, will it effect my VB6 code developing?

    Q. 2, How to transfer file back to Data center from stores? FTP? E-mail? Replication?

    Thanks for your help!

    Harrison Lee

    Harrison Lee


    Harrison Lee

  • I have not tried this myself, but I suspect that you're having a problem, because SQL 2000 was installed as a default instance. I think MSDE has to be a default instance, so they can't live together like that.

    If you had installed MSDE first and then installed SQL Server as a named instance, you would probably be OK.

  • Sure you can install MSDE as named instance.

    setup.exe /qn /i sqlrun01.msi INSTANCENAME="MYMSDE" /l*v c:\msde2000_setup.log

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