• I've been going over and over this in my head-- maybe somebody else can shed some light on how you'd resolve this-----

    I have several rows in a table.  Each row has a StartDate and an EndDate.  I need to find the difference in dates.  DATEDIFF works great and gives me the correct number of elapsed days BUT...

    I need to group by months.  So if I had 5/15/04 to 7/13/04, I need more than just 59, but something like

    5 16

    6 30

    7 13

    This is difficult because there are not rows that I summing up or grouping by-- only a single row with a date range.

    Any ideas would be appreciated.


  • One way is to find the date difference in date format and then usnig datepart(mm, <calc date&gt to use the group by.

  • This may seem like a lot, but here it is.



    IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#my_table') IS NOT NULL) DROP TABLE #my_table


    CREATE TABLE #my_table


      [id]    INTEGER IDENTITY(1,1)

      , start_date  DATETIME

      , end_date  DATETIME





    INSERT INTO #my_table VALUES('5/15/04','7/13/04')

    INSERT INTO #my_table VALUES('4/7/04','6/30/04')

    INSERT INTO #my_table VALUES('6/10/04','7/1/04')

    INSERT INTO #my_table VALUES('5/1/04','6/30/04')

    INSERT INTO #my_table VALUES('3/2/04','6/24/04')




    IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp_results') IS NOT NULL) DROP TABLE #temp_results

    CREATE TABLE #temp_results


      [month]  INTEGER

      , days  INTEGER

      , start_date VARCHAR(20)

      , end_date VARCHAR(20)




    DECLARE @loop_start_date  DATETIME

    DECLARE @loop_end_date  DATETIME

    DECLARE @incrementing_date DATETIME

    DECLARE @this_days_month INTEGER

    DECLARE @last_days_month INTEGER

    DECLARE @day_counter  INTEGER


    SET @loop_start_date = NULL



     @loop_start_date = start_date

     , @loop_end_date = end_date






    WHILE @loop_start_date IS NOT NULL




      PRINT 'Start: ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @loop_start_date, 101)

      PRINT 'End:   ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @loop_end_date, 101)




      SET @day_counter = 0

      SET @incrementing_date = @loop_start_date


      SET @last_days_month = DATEPART(m, @incrementing_date)

      SET @this_days_month = DATEPART(m, @incrementing_date)



      WHILE @incrementing_date <= @loop_end_date


        SET @this_days_month = DATEPART(m, @incrementing_date)

        IF @this_days_month <> @last_days_month







             , @day_counter

             , CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @loop_start_date ,101)

             , CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @loop_end_date ,101)


          SET @day_counter = 0


        SET @day_counter = @day_counter + 1

        SET @incrementing_date = DATEADD(d, 1, @incrementing_date)

        SET @last_days_month = @this_days_month








        , @day_counter

        , CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @loop_start_date ,101)

        , CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @loop_end_date ,101)






       start_date = @loop_start_date


       end_date = @loop_end_date


      SET @loop_start_date = NULL


      SELECT TOP 1

       @loop_start_date = start_date

       , @loop_end_date = end_date



      ORDER BY




    SELECT * FROM #temp_results


    -- dropping temp table(s) if needed

    IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp_results') IS NOT NULL)  DROP TABLE #temp_results

    IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#my_table') IS NOT NULL)  DROP TABLE #my_table


  • /*

    Not Bad.  What I actually ended up doing was creating a table of every day like this:

    OneDate      OneMonth OneYear YearMonth

    1/1/2000         01          2000      200001

    1/2/2000         01          2000      200001

    1/3/2000         01          2000      200001

    1/4/2000         01          2000      200001

    1/5/2000         01          2000      200001

    1/6/2000         01          2000      200001

    1/7/2000         01          2000      200001

    It wasn't too much since there's only 365 days in a year-- 3650 rows for 10 years-- 10950 for 30 years-- not a big table.

    Then I looped through each row in the table I needed the calculations for.


    IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#my_table') IS NOT NULL) DROP TABLE #my_table


    CREATE TABLE #my_table


      [id]    INTEGER IDENTITY(1,1)

      , StartDate  DATETIME

      , EndDate  DATETIME





    INSERT INTO #my_table VALUES('5/15/04','7/13/04')

    INSERT INTO #my_table VALUES('4/7/04','6/30/04')

    INSERT INTO #my_table VALUES('6/10/04','7/1/04')

    INSERT INTO #my_table VALUES('5/1/04','6/30/04')

    INSERT INTO #my_table VALUES('3/2/04','6/24/04')

    --Then I opened a cursor and looped.

    IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempDays') IS NOT NULL) DROP TABLE #tempDays

    CREATE TABLE #tempDays (

       YearMonth varchar(6)

     , DayCount int


    DECLARE @StartDate datetime , @EndDate datetime

    DECLARE curInsert cursor for

     SELECT     StartDate, EndDate

     FROM       #my_table

    open curInsert

     fetch next from curInsert into @StartDate , @EndDate

      while @@fetch_status = 0


                 INSERT #tempDays (YearMonth, DayCount)

                 SELECT YearMonth, Count(*)

                 FROM tblDays WHERE OneDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate

                 GROUP BY YearMonth

                 fetch next from curInsert into @StartDate , @EndDate


    CLOSE curInsert

    DEALLOCATE curInsert

    select YearMonth, SUM(DayCount) AS DateCount

    from #tempDays

    GROUP BY YearMonth

  • GOOD JOB!!

    I'm glad you got it working

  • I just realized I don't even have to use a cursor, just:

    SELECT YearMonth, Count(*) as DayCount

    FROM tblDays JOIN #my_table

    ON OneDate BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate

    GROUP BY YearMonth


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