ADO holding SQL Connection Open, WHY?

  • I have the following VB code that I believe should close the connection to the database but doesn't seem to. I am attempting to use a disconnected recordset. When I query the sysprocesses table it retains a connection until I set conn = Nothing, which I don't really want to do every time I access data. I do not understand why this is happening. Isn't that what the conn.Close should be doing? Closing the connection. Querying the sysprocesses table is what show the connections, correct?

    This is how I can tell it is holding the connection

    Select * From master..sysprocesses Where dbid= 9

        Dim conn As ADODB.Connection

        Set conn = New ADODB.Connection

        Set rstLocations = New ADODB.Recordset

        conn.Open connString

        rstLocations.CursorLocation = adUseClient

        rstLocations.Open "Select * From Locations", _

             conn, _

             ADODB.adOpenForwardOnly, _


        Set rstLocations.ActiveConnection = Nothing


    Can someone either tell me what I am doing wrong or explain to me why this is happening?


  • connection pooling

    this will keep the connection alive for a while (default 60sec ?) because apparently building a connection taks a lot of resources.

    Unless you use application roles this will not hinder.


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  • Set rstLocations.ActiveConnection = Nothing


    I believe you have to reverse the above statements. You close the connection THEN destroy it. I'm not sure what the effect is of trying to destroy an open connection...


    Set conn = Nothing



  • You didn't supply the connectstring to your example.  However, to disable connection pooling add the following to your connection string.

    OLE DB Services = -2

    there are various articles in MSDN that describe connection pooling

    and the registry values that control it.

  • You don't want to turn off connection pooling!  Unless there is a very very good reason. 

    By default, ADO will keep ( I think 6 ) connections in a pool for a short period of time.  These connections stay alive in SQL server, but VB sees them as closed.

    Keep in mind, connection pooling only works when the connectionstring is the same string each time.  If you are using a different connectionstring for every connection, then you would want to disable connection pooling or revisit the reason for having different connection strings.

    Hope this helps.

  • this will keep the connection alive for a while (default 60sec ?) because apparently building a connection taks a lot of resources.


    Hey, alzdba, you are exacty right, after about 60 seconds the connection died. This is what I was expecting.

    Does anyone know of any sites or articles where I can get more information on ADO and connection pooling with VB.


    What is better, to keep disconnected recordsets or keep a live connection. I was always under the impression that disconnecting was better, so you would not keep resources open that were not being used. I suppose it depends on the situation.

    What do you think?

  • As always : it depends.

    .Net will definitely go for disconnected data with closed connections. Because of connection pooling, the overhead for having a "new" connection is minimised.

    Same goes for others. Only keep your connection open if you need to.




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