SP not working the same SQL 2000 vs SQL 7.0 when exec from Access

  • We have changed from SQL Server 7.0 to SQL Server 2000 as our back end to an Access application.

    We execute a stored procedure from the Access front end that inserts a record with an identity field into a batch control table.  The identity field is the batch control number.

    We have @BatchID as an output variable set to 0 at the start of the sp.  After the Insert command we set @BatchID = @@IDENTITY.  The sp returns a NULL value which I believe means that the record was not written as yet.

    This worked fine in SQL 7.0.

    The record is created when I look at the table.

    Is this a timing issue?  Is there something I should be looking out for in SQL 2000 with the execution of SPs?

    Please help.

    Thank you in advance for any help.

    Somewhat new to SQL sp.

    the-developer.  Fred

  • Do you have any triggers set on that table?

    You may want to change

    @BatchID = @@IDENTITY


    @BatchID = SCOPE_IDENTITY( )



    * Noel

  • Thanks for your quick response.

    Tried Scope_Identity and the result was still null.

    I will check into the triggers.

    Thank you.


  • can you post the contents of the sp ?

    * Noel

  • Here is the sp:

    /****** Object:  Stored Procedure dbo.INTERFACE_BATCH_CREATE    Script Date: 3/28/2002 12:57:08 PM ******/

    /********  Altered 4/23/02 For RV & BK Invoices *********/

    /********  Altered 4/26/02 For Warnings *********/



     @BatchID  int = 0 OUTPUT,

     @UserID   varchar(20),

     @InterfaceFileID int,

     @Description  varchar(255)




     @SysName varchar(50),

     @CreateDate char(23),

     @TransType  varchar(4),

     @NumInBatch int


    -- Check if any batches are in process for this export type.  If so then don't allow this new batch to be created.

    SELECT @NumInBatch = Count(ID) FROM BATCH_CONTROL WHERE InterfaceFileID = @InterfaceFileID AND BatchStatus = 'BPIB'

    IF @NumInBatch > 0


                    SET @BatchID = 2

      RETURN (@BatchID)



    -- Create Batch Record

    INSERT INTO BATCH_CONTROL (InterfaceFileID,Description,BatchStatus,CreateBy,CreateDate,UpdateBy,UpdateDate)

    VALUES (@InterfaceFileID,@Description,'BPIB',@UserID,@CreateDate,@UserID,@CreateDate)

    -- check for errors

    IF @@Error <> 0




    -- get ID of batch_control record just inserted

    SET @BatchID = @@IDENTITY

    -- get the systemname based on the interfacefileID

    SELECT @SysName = SystemName FROM INTERFACE_FILE WHERE ID = @InterfaceFileID

    SELECT  @TransType =

            CASE @SysName




                WHEN 'WIREEXPORT' THEN 'WI'


                ELSE '??'



    -- update tables with batch information based on what type of export is being done

    IF @SysName = 'VENDOREXPORT'


      -- this will flag all vendor records that will be exported to MAS90 with the BatchID and BatchStatus

      -- only vendor records with a NULL BatchControlID will be affected

      UPDATE VENDORTABLE SET VendorTable.BatchControlID = @BatchID, VendorTable.BatchStatus = 'BPIB'

      WHERE VendorTable.BatchControlID IS NULL OR VendorTable.BatchControlID = 0

      IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0



                                      SET @BatchID = 4

        RETURN (@BatchID)


      else commit transaction


    ELSE -- will handle all other financial data exports from RECAP



    Edited out 5/3/01 ckindt And Then Again on 4/23/02

      -- update the batchsent field in the table: BatchNumberTable

      UPDATE BatchNumberTable SET BatchSent = 1

      FROM BatchNumberTable INNER JOIN ExpenseEntryTable ON ExpenseEntryTable.BatchNo = BatchNumberTable.BatchNo

      WHERE BatchNumberTable.BatchComplete = 1

      AND (ExpenseEntryTable.BatchControlID IS NULL OR ExpenseEntryTable.BatchControlID = 0)


      -- update the "voucher" table with the batchID and status for "vouchers" that are in posted batches that have not been sent to MAS90

      if @TransType = 'IN'


                        --Update for IN RV and BK's

          UPDATE ExpenseEntryTable SET ExpenseEntryTable.BatchControlID = @BatchID,BatchStatus = 'BPIB',SentToGL = 1

          FROM ExpenseEntryTable 

          WHERE (ExpenseEntryTable.BatchControlID IS NULL OR ExpenseEntryTable.BatchControlID = 0)

          AND ExpenseEntryTable.TransactionType in (@TransType,'RV','BK')




                        UPDATE ExpenseEntryTable SET ExpenseEntryTable.BatchControlID = @BatchID,BatchStatus = 'BPIB',SentToGL = 1

          FROM ExpenseEntryTable 

          WHERE (ExpenseEntryTable.BatchControlID IS NULL OR ExpenseEntryTable.BatchControlID = 0)

          AND ExpenseEntryTable.TransactionType = @TransType


      -- update the individual expenses for the voucher/invoice with the batchID and status of its parent

      UPDATE PropertyExpenseDetailTable SET BatchControlID = @BatchID,BatchStatus = 'BPIB',SentToGL = 1,

      UpdateBy = @user-id,UpdateDate = @CreateDate

      WHERE ExpenseEntryID IN (SELECT ExpenseEntryID FROM ExpenseEntryTable WHERE ExpenseEntryTable.BatchControlID = @BatchID)

      -- If no expenses updated then none are in the batch so don't create the batch

      IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0



                                    SET @BatchID = 3

        RETURN (@BatchID)



    IF @@Error <> 0





    RETURN (@BatchID)



            SET @BatchID = 1

     RETURN (@BatchID)





  • Are you sure that the table BATCH_CONTROL  has an IDENTITY Field?

    BTW when you check for errors after the INSERT The Statement should be

    SELECT @Er=@@ERROR, @BATCHID= @@IDENTITY -- Just one line !!

    IF @Er <> 0 ....


    * Noel

  • try to debug this SP by doing this:

    1- open query Analyzer ..

    2- right click on your stored procedure .. and choose debug ...

    (if a message appears tells you that you use a local account .. then you will not be able to debug your SP)

    3- write the default values for each variable you pass in to your SP

    4- then trace line by line in your SP .. and you can see all local variables changed values in the left pane of sceen.

    I hope this help u

    Alamir Mohamed

  • Noeld,

    I checked the table and it does have an identity field and there ate no triggers associated with this table.



    Thanks for the suggestion.  I will be trying it out in the next hour or so.


    I also ran into an interesting thing in some of the Access queries:

    With SQL 2000 any query testing a boolean field with a  -1  is comming up with an empty record set as a result.  When I use "True" or "Yes"  I get the resulting record set.  I also noticed that SQL server itself uses 1 for true.  Is  -1  an Access thing?

    Thanks for your help so far.


  • I also ran into an interesting thing in some of the Access queries:

    With SQL 2000 any query testing a boolean field with a  -1  is comming up with an empty record set as a result.  When I use "True" or "Yes"  I get the resulting record set.  I also noticed that SQL server itself uses 1 for true.  Is  -1  an Access thing?

    The -1 is a VBA thing is the representation for "true" in vb. When you use True in your queries (at the client side) access actually translates that value to 1 and sql Server (on the sever side, of course ) sees only the 1.

    on the Client side In access you can also use 1 to Identify True Access is "smart" enough not to translate it




    * Noel

  • Noled and Alamir:


    Thanks Noeld for the info.  I have been changing the queries based on using the x-Ref in Access Analyzer from FMS to find the queries that contain the Yes/No fields.  What I can't understand is why the  -1  worked in SQL 7.0 but in SQL 2000 it is not.



    I ran the debug and the sp returned the identity field in debug mode.  Could it be a timing or connection issue since users are sometimes getting timeout errors in Access screens?  Are there any standards for connection timeouts?

    Thanks again.  I appreciate you assistance.


  • there are many another posible things you have to check :

    1- you must set the bit datafiled to NOT Null .. and so give it a default value .. it is a bug in SQL Server with MS Access that YOU HAVE TO FIX IT, because there are 3 values for bit field : YES, No and NULL (get rid of it).. and then don't forget to refresh the table in Access again.

    2- restart the server ... sometimes SQL Server gets in stravge modes and then you have to restart it

    3- search for any option you may set that disable the @identity work

    I hope this help u.

    Alamir Mohamed

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