Select with variable assignment

  • I want to return the result of a select statement into a @local_variable.

    Normally, this is straight forward:

    declare @myresult varchar(20)

    select @myresult = surname from tablename where key = uniquevalue

    But how can I do this if the columnname I want to retrieve is already in a local variable. For example:

    declare @myresult varchar(20)

    declare @mycolumnname varchar(50)

    set @mycolumnname = 'surname'

    How can I return the value of the column contained in @mycolumnname into @myresult?

  • Given that particular example, I think the only way to do this is with dynamic SQL using sp_executesql which accepts as parameters the SQL string to execute, a string listing the parameters and the parameters themselves.

    Using your example as a starting point and assuming that @keyvalue is an integer, you might do something like the following:

    declare @myresult varchar(20)
    declare @mycolumnname varchar(50)
    set @mycolumnname = 'surname'

    declare @keyvalue int
    set @keyvalue = 1

    declare @selectString nvarchar(500)
    set @selectString = 'select @myresult = ' + @mycolumnname + ' from TABLENAME where KEY = @keyvalue'

    EXEC sp_executesql @selectString,
    N'@myresult varchar(20) output, @keyvalue int', @myresult output, @keyvalue

    There is a good section on sp_executesql in SQL books online & someone has recently posted a link to the following interesting article on dynamic SQL on another thread:

    Hope this helps!


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  • I haven't tried anything like this, but if there aren't many possible values for @mycolumnname, couldn't you use a CASE? Something like:

    SELECT CASE @mycolumnname

    WHEN 'colA' THEN colA

    WHEN 'colB' THEN colB



    FROM tablename WHERE key = uniquevalue

    just a thought...

  • Thanks for your help folks.

    Unfortunately there are many possible values for @mycolumnname.

    I eventually came up with two more workable, though inefficient, solutions:

    1. Write the value of @mycolumnname to a ##temptable and then 'select' it back out again.

    2. Build a string to declare a cursor containing the value of @mycolumnname and the exec(@declarecursorstring).

  • Unless it's a very limited environment, I tend to avoid using global temp tables. Never have liked the way it can make people step on each other.

  • I use global temp tables but I always put in a unique qualifier (e.g. spid) in the name of the table to prevent one user tripping over another.


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