Model Database

  • I successfully moved the msdb log to another drive and restarted sql server. When I went to perform the same function on the model log, as soon as I detached it, SQL Server shut down. Any ideas how to get it back up and running?

  • In order to move the Model database you need to enable Trace Flag 3608 on SQL startup. Full details on moving the system databases can be found at;EN-US;224071

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • It was my own bad; I got cocky and rushed through it by stopping and starting SQL Server prior to attaching the database! I am still kicking myself 🙂

  • Hi SSW,

    As a footnote to this, I had a recent scare when I tried to relocate our master db datafiles onto a non existent drive using the Startup Parameters ( was not a good day !! ), causing Sql to cr*p out each time it tried to start & thus stopping me from accessing the Startup Parameters to correct the problem.

    However after a little searching & head scratching, I discovered that by changing the values in the windows registry, I was able to correct the error & Sql restarted with no problem !

    Et voila, lots of awkward management questions avoided - phewie !



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