Zipping solutions for db size of 5gb

  • I am not able to zip a backup of 5gb, which needs to be restored in another server. What are my possibilities? thanks much

  • Cant zip because? The latest revs of PKZip/Winzip support greater than 4g zip sizes. If you just dont have space to do it, you can just copy it across.


  • Hi

    Try using WinRAR - an excellent tool which I have personally used a lot on database close to 10 Gb.

  • Use sqlzip to do the backup, it will compress the backup on the fly. A 5gb backup file will be around 400mb when done. Sqlzip is also faster on the backup and restore than the native sql backup utilities. Any way that has been my experience.

    Bill Stevenson


    Bill Stevenson

  • I'd recommend WinRAR as well. It can handle HUGE DB sizes. I compressed a 100GB database (no free space) down to 6 GB using the normal compression rate with WinRAR.

  • Another alternative is to use SQL LiteSpeed. It mimics the native SQL Server backup and restore commands, but allows you to compress your backups on the fly and also reduces the time it takes to backup the database.

    To learn more about SQL LiteSpeed or to download and eval version you can go to:

    Greg Robidoux

    Edgewood Solutions

    Greg Robidoux
    Edgewood Solutions

  • Hi there

    WinRAR rocks. I also use the free gzip.exe (try a search on our friend Its a simple command line util which ive wrappered a call to in my custom backup scripts like:

    set @cmdline = @p_zippath + '\gzip.exe ' + @v_filename

    EXEC @v_error = master..xp_cmdshell @cmdline, NO_OUTPUT

    Email me if you cant find it.

    I would prefer lightspeed, but my boss doesnt prefer the cost 🙂



    Chris Kempster

    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

  • Saw a recent article, PKZip and Winzip support different encryption methods now, so potentially a zip is not universably readable anymore - if you need to secure them.


  • WINRar - I've used it for several years for archiving databases. Very handy.

    Dr. Peter Venkman: Generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance.


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