ISQL with -Q option

  • I am trying to run the following command line

    D:\readpga>c:\mssql7\binn\isql -Sclarcombe -dpga -Usa -P  -w256 -h-1 -Q"exec AGGT_INRUNNING 'SCORE'" -oaggtscoreir.htm

    However it doesnt like the parameter 'SCORE'

    I have tried "'" and '"' around SCORE but still it fails. How can I pass this parameter through




  • Try

    D:\readpga>c:\mssql7\binn\isql -Sclarcombe -dpga -Usa -P -w256 -h-1 -Q"exec AGGT_INRUNNING '''SCORE'''" -oaggtscoreir.htm

  • Unfortunately not. Any other suggestions

    D:\readpga>c:\mssql7\binn\isql -Sclarcombe -dpga -Usa -P  -w256 -h-1 -Q"exec AGG

    T_INRUNNING '''SCORE'''" -

    isql: unknown option

    usage: isql              [-U login id]          [-P password]

      [-S server]            [-H hostname]          [-E trusted connection]

      [-d use database name] [-l login timeout]     [-t query timeout]

      [-h headers]           [-s colseparator]      [-w columnwidth]

      [-a packetsize]        [-e echo input]        [-x max text size]

      [-L list servers]      [-c cmdend]

      [-q "cmdline query"]   [-Q "cmdline query" and exit]

      [-n remove numbering]  [-m errorlevel]

      [-r msgs to stderr]

      [-i inputfile]         [-o outputfile]

      [-p print statistics]  [-b On error batch abort]

      [-O use Old ISQL behavior disables the following]

          <EOF> batch processing

          Auto console width scaling

          Wide messages

          default errorlevel is -1 vs 1

      [-? show syntax summary (this screen)]


  • Can you expand on what kind of error you get?

    Does the proc AGGT_INRUNNING really accept 'score' as input parameter?


  • Yes it does

    AGGT_INRUNNING "SCORE" returns the following in QA

    <FONT face=arial,helvetica size=2 color=blue>

    <TABLE Border=1>

    <CAPTION><H3>Tournament positions by relative Rank</H3></CAPTION>


    <TH><FONT color=blue>Position</TH>

    <TH><FONT color=blue>Player</TH>

    <TH><FONT color=blue>Date</TH>

    <TH><FONT color=blue>Aggt score</TH>






    <TR><TD>T82</TD><TD>Per-Ulrik Johansson </TD><TD>17 Nov 2003</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TR>

    (1 row(s) affected)



    The previous post I posted was the full results of the command line query

  • Ok, I see.

    That is the result when you tried the suggested syntax of

    D:\readpga>c:\mssql7\binn\isql -Sclarcombe -dpga -Usa -P -w256 -h-1 -Q"exec AGGT_INRUNNING '''SCORE'''" -oaggtscoreir.htm ...I assume?

    Your initial post had -Q"exec AGGT_INRUNNING 'SCORE'" which seems to me be the correct syntax.

    When you tried this from the start, did you get 'unknown option' as error as well?


  • Embarrassingly, I think I have found the problem. My text editor had wrap around at 120 chars meaning the -ofile.htm was on the next line. However it didnt display that in the editor, it was only when I refreshed the file.

    In fact -Q"AGGT_INRUNNING SCORE" works. Yes, no quotes at all.

    Sorry to have wasted your time

  • No problem.

    The clock keep on tickin' anyway



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