Contest 200401 - Try SQLCompare from Red Gate

  • This contest begins Jan 29, 2004 and runs through Feb 27, 2004. Details can be found at the following link:

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • is it open to us on the other side of the globe (Australia?) sure hope so !!

    Life is far too important to be taken seriously

  • I get this message when trying to attach the mdf supplied in the download.



    ON PRIMARY (FILENAME = 'c:\dba\redgate\pubsdev.mdf')



    same results for

    EXEC sp_attach_single_file_db

    @dbname = 'pubsdev',   

    @physname = c:\DBA\REDGATE\pubsdev.mdf'



    Server: Msg 1813, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Could not open new database 'pubsdev'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.

    Device activation error. The physical file name 'd:\ssc\MSSQL$PUBLISHER\data\PubsDev_log.ldf' may be incorrect.

  • Thought I would put this here, I had problems attaching the .MDF's to my local instance, since my "D:" drive was a CD-ROM, I kept getting the error:

    Server: Msg 1813, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Could not open new database 'PubsDev'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.

    Device activation error. The physical file name 'd:\ssc\MSSQL$PUBLISHER\data\PubsDev_log.ldf' may be incorrect.

    So it appears even though you want it to create the Log File in another location, it fails.

    I attached on another server that had a writeable "D:" drive, and it worked fine, creating the Log File where I told it to.

  • This is no contest... This is brainless homework...

    A contest for SQL Server Central should be  more a match where all participant must think hard to build some script (or some other SQL Server based thing) that's better than someoneelse's.

    This contest is brainless boring.


  • Sven,

    There are contests of different kinds, I'll admit this one is not super challenging compared to some. I dont think that means its bad, just different.


  • Anyone else had problems attaching? I've had quite a few successful attempts judging by entries received so I dont think the files themselves are bad.

  • If the contest is still on why does the email address no longer work?

    Hi. This is the qmail-send program at

    I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.

    This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.


    This address no longer accepts mail.


  • Its not yet the 27 and yet the contest is over!  This is the messsage I get when emailing the contest.

    Hi. This is the qmail-send program at

    I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.

    This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

    This address no longer accepts mail.


  • The files were fine.  I was able to attached it fine.  Only thing I noticed a problem in a product.  My generate script for missing objects doesn't include the file group information.  I compared two of my own databases and I found that even though my tables are created on specific filegroup, it generated scripts to create a missing table on another database without filegroup information.  This could be a big problem.

  • The files are OK and the contest is OK too.

    If anybody doesn't like it, then don't participate.

  • Any idea who the lucky people are ? in other words was I lucky enough to win this good tool ?

  • What was the result of this contest ?



    -- Amit

    "There is no 'patch' for stupidity."

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  • I agree that this contest is nothing more than brainless advertising for RedGate's product which sucks in the first place, due to the fact that it never includes constraints such as Cascading Updates/deletes etc. 

    Just an opinion of a DBA that doesn't need RedGate's useless product to do his job.

    DBA with an attitude

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

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