Replacing TSEQUAL function

  • Hi,

    In the past we've used the TSEQUAL function to guarantee concurrency in our sprocs.  However my company has concerns that since the TSEQUAL function is undocumented that it may be removed in the future by MS.  Therefore I've been tasked with replacing it.

    We've come up with the following.  (In our case @timestamp is both an input and output parameter)



                    SELECT @ts = timestamp

                    FROM example with (updlock) 

                    where ID =@ID – primary key


                    --error checking block for select


                    if @ts<>@timestamp

                                    --fail out with error message


                    --otherwise all ok

                    UPDATE example

                    SET value=@value

                    WHERE id=@id


                    SELECT  @ErrorValue = @@ERROR, @RowsAffected = @@ROWCOUNT

                    IF @RowsAffected = 0 OR @ErrorValue <> 0


                                    IF @@trancount <> 0

                                                    ROLLBACK TRANSACTION   

                                    RETURN @FailValue              



                    SELECT @Timestamp=timestamp

                    FROM example

                    WHERE id=@id


                    --error checking block for select



    My question comes from the final select statement where we return the new timestamp value for the row.   I'm thinking that because we have an updatelock on that row (from the first select) and its within the same transaction, that we're guaranteed in the final select statement that the original record won't have been updated since and thus getting the correct timestamp value. Am I right?


  • h


  • TSEQUAL is not totally undocumented.

    Although BOL lacks an explanation of use to use this function, you can find it in the list of reserved keywords for SQL Server.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Hi all,

    Got a further question in relation to this one.  It's been suggested that I could use @@dbts  to return the final timestamp.  e.g change the final error block to:

            SELECT  @ErrorValue = @@ERROR, @RowsAffected = @@ROWCOUNT , @dbts= @timestamp

            IF @RowsAffected = 0 OR @ErrorValue <> 0


                    IF @@trancount <> 0

                            ROLLBACK TRANSACTION   

                    RETURN @FailValue              


    However according to BOL, this returns the current timestamp for the current database, not the last statement.

    So if you do the above, then that means theres no guarantee that I'll get the right timestamp value?

    What do you reckon?


  • DO NOT use @@dbts as you would SCOPE_IDENTITY() !!

    AFAIR @@dbts is NOT Transactionaly safe!!


    ALL MS suggestions are based on RE-Reading the new TS column if you need to update again on a Second trip to the server!!


    If your Enviromet is not too Highly transctional and the table you are accessing is not too big then you are on the right path, I would change the Update though to

    Update ...

    Where id = @id and ts = @timestamp


    if you think Transactions are very intensive you could

    use the reserved keys table trick to read only the keys that are not in use to allow updates!



    * Noel

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