Dynamic Properties Task

  • Hi,

    I am trying to transfer a DTS Package from one server to other server. I have 4 parallel connections generating 4 different flat files on one server. Now I want to move my package to another server. I am using the Dynamic Properties Task to get the source connection dynamically (as mentioned in article: Portable DTS Packages). Now my question here is, do I have to use 4 different Dynamic Properties Tasks for 4 Source Connections or can I use one Dyanmic Properties Task and define 4 global variables for 4 connections? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Thank you,



  • Set 4 different global variables to a string type with a value for a .UDL file location on the server. (Example value: C:\DTS\Source 1.udl)

    To create a UDL file, create a text file and rename it to name.udl. Double click and edit as a source. (Set type of data provider, connection, etc)

    On the package, create a Microsoft Data Link and point to the UDL file location.

    This allows a dynamic link to connections without changing the package. Rather update the UDL file when packages are moved to other servers or if the data source itslef changes.

  • You should be able to set all the connection values in one Dynamic Property Task. I have a package we're using for data migration (from Oracle to SQL Server) that has over 100 different connections. Each one has two to three values begin set dynamically (data source, database, user, password, etc.) I did break the package down into four groups (and therefore four Dynamic Property Tasks) for ease of management but each tasks is setting around 125 properties in 25 connections.

    Just make sure you have a global variable assignment in each Task for all propoerties you need changed in the connections.


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