shrink logs

  • Hi,

    I get a Database which wasn't administrate before. The logfile aute grows and now when I restore the DB the size of the logfile is 20Go and 1% used.

    How can I reduce the space used on the disk by thi file ?

  • Hi,

    You can either do

    dbcc shrinkfile (dbid, n) --where dbid is the fileid in sysfiles and n is the target MB size


    backup log yourdbname with truncate_only


    Edited by - Ritch on 06/18/2003 03:09:00 AM

    Edited by - Ritch on 06/18/2003 03:30:42 AM

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • OK dbcc shrinkfile (2, 100,TRUNCATEONLY)

  • Sorry for the incomplete syntax tsc1, the caffiene has just kicked in

    Also I have tried shrinking logs in EM via taskpad, but it never works. Anyone else found this?

    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • I already encounter the same problem and what I did is I shrink the file in a small chunk. On my case, I shrink it by 1GB at a time.

    hope that helps.

  • Ritch,

    I use SQL7 and SQL2000 and i find the SQL7 to be a little buggy in this instance, it could be the setup i have here but i find quitting EM and starting again / or a refresh of the taskpad will give a more accurate result, plus it depends on the type of backup mode you are in - simple / bulk / full. As i understand transactions are happening when you shrink a database as well. HTH. Remember you *might* need to backup before shrinking too and truncating logs.

    Life is far too important to be taken seriously

  • Thanks.

    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • The script below will solve your problem,it runs for bot sql 7.0 an sql 2000.

    -- Caution : database compatibility level must be 7.0 or higher ..

    dbcc shrinkfile ( [Logical Log File Name], truncateonly )

    backup log [Logical Database Name] with truncate_only


    if exists ( select * from sysobjects where name ='tmp_00000000000001a')

    drop table tmp_00000000000001a

    create table tmp_00000000000001a (cola varchar(10), colb int )

    set nocount on

    insert tmp_00000000000001a (colb) values (1)

    declare @index int

    select @index = 0

    while (@index < 4000)


    update tmp_00000000000001aset cola = cola where colb = 1

    select @index = @index + 1


    dbcc shrinkfile ( [Logical Log File Name], truncateonly )

    backup log [Logical Database Name] with truncate_only


    drop table tmp_00000000000001a


  • The script below will solve your problem,it runs for bot sql 7.0 an sql 2000.

    -- Caution : database compatibility level must be 7.0 or higher ..

    dbcc shrinkfile ( [Logical Log File Name], truncateonly )

    backup log [Logical Database Name] with truncate_only


    if exists ( select * from sysobjects where name ='tmp_00000000000001a')

    drop table tmp_00000000000001a

    create table tmp_00000000000001a (cola varchar(10), colb int )

    set nocount on

    insert tmp_00000000000001a (colb) values (1)

    declare @index int

    select @index = 0

    while (@index < 4000)


    update tmp_00000000000001aset cola = cola where colb = 1

    select @index = @index + 1


    dbcc shrinkfile ( [Logical Log File Name], truncateonly )

    backup log [Logical Database Name] with truncate_only


    drop table tmp_00000000000001a


  • Hi !


    shrink a log file

    WARNING: change the database name and the logical name of the log file.

    database: MyDB

    log file: MyDB_Log


    USE master


    EXEC sp_dboption 'MyDB', 'trunc. log on chkpt.', 'TRUE'

    USE MyDB



    USE master


    EXEC sp_dboption 'MyDB', 'trunc. log on chkpt.', 'FALSE'

    USE MyDB

  • Here's a link to the script that I used OFTEN.

    It forces the transaction log to shrink by moving the last active transaction back to the top of the transaction log.

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