• I've been asked to look into a few performance issues with a web site and its DB backend. I've run Performance monitor, nothing really shows up, I've run Profiler at various times, again nothing really stands out. I want to swith on a couple of Trace Flags to see if there is any Deadlocking going on, but i'll need to stop and start the Service. Now this isn't a problem in its self, even though its a production server, my concern is thats its set up as 1 of 3 instances in a active/active cluster. So my question is, does stopping and starting the service cause a failover?

    Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional

  • quote:

    I want to swith on a couple of Trace Flags to see if there is any Deadlocking going on, but i'll need to stop and start the Service.

    If you add trace flag in startup parameters, you have to take SQL Server offline and bring it online to take effect. But you don't have to do in this way, Running DBCC TRACEON(1024, 3605, -1) from QA has same effect.


    So my question is, does stopping and starting the service cause a failover?

    You can't start and stop service from in cluster environment for SQL Server. You have to take it offline/online from Cluster Administrator. Offline/online does not cause failover unless you move the group.

  • Many thanks, that helps alot.

    Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional

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