hidden rows

  • I have a problem. I am trying to delete a record from one of my tables and it says the it can not be deleted because the subquery returned more than 1 value. The weird thing is that when I do a select only one record comes up. How can I delete this row? Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,


  • Can you post the statement

  • The statement I am using to delete is:

    delete from resources where contactid = 9542

    and if I do a select with the same contactid only one record appears.

  • Any triggers that are being fired off?


  • Yes two delete, two inserts, and one update. All to different tables.

  • Which one contains a subquery!

  • One of the delete triggers were causing the error. Once I disabled the trigger I was abe to delete the row. Thank you all for your help.

  • You may need to have a look while the sub query is returning multiple records else someone is bound to run into the same problem again.

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