{oj ....} ???? Strange query

  • I have this query, that I belive that is not a pure Microsoft TSQL command, but it works just fine.

    What I wanted was an explanation of this query (expression between breckets), and it's eficiency:

    select cl.no from

    {oj v62.dbo.cl cl inner join v62.dbo.cc cc on cc.no=cl.no}

    This query is made by Crystal Reports.

    The expression between breckets is very strange.

    What is «oj»? I tried putting something else, but the result is an access violation.

    I belive that the expression in breckets just joins the two tables, and nothing else.

    Wouldn't it be easyer just to white:

    select xxx.no from

    (select * from v62.dbo.cl cl inner join v62.dbo.cc cc on cc.no=cl.no) xxx


  • Looks like a misuse of a nonstandard extension.


    It would be "easiest" to write:

    SELECT cl.No

    FROM v62.dbo.CL cl JOIN v62.dbo.CC cc ON cl.No = cc.No



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