i want to UnPublish one article from Replication

  • i want take out one article (UnPublish) from replication is it possible

    Below Error i am getting

    {CALL sp_MSdel_Nominals (810046)}

    Transaction sequence number and command ID of last execution batch are 0x000205E700001FE7002300000000 and 1.

    The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command.

    The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command.

    (Source: FSREP\PGLREP (Data source); Error number: 20598)


    Shrinivas L.K.

    Shrinivas L.K.

  • You can't drop an article if you have any subscriptions to the publisher on Merge Replication. See sp_dropmergearticle or sp_droparticle in Books Online.

    Gary Johnson

    Microsoft Natural Language Group

    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • Do you really want to remove the article? Or trying to fix the issue you posted?



  • If you want to fix the problem, if you still have the nominal (810046) in the publisher, try inserting that value into the subscriber with the error. If you deleted from the publisher, then you COULD ignore the error specifying SkipError 20598 in the agent profile.

    To drop the article from the publication, you will have to unsubscribe all the subscribers, drop the article and then subscribe all again.

    But you could also unsubscribe the subscribers to only that article, but the article would still remain in the publication.

  • I needed to drop an article from replication so I could change the length of a field. Here's what I did ..... seemed to work for me. I guess you would just stop at step 2

    -- Specifically: Drop a table from a publication so it can be modified, then add the table back in.

    1) I just scripted out the CREATE Publication and the DROP publication commands to text files.

    2) Ran just the portion of the DROP publication that had to do with TableA

    3) Modified FieldA from 6 char to 8 char on publication & subscription databases.

    4) Ran just the portion of the CREATE Publication dealing with TableA

    5) Ran the snapshot job

    6) Ran the pull subscription job

    7) Checked the table in the subscription database & it has the same data as the source table.

  • For drop article from the subscription you need to execute:

    1. sp_dropsubscription

    2. sp_droparticle

    For adding the article after update

    1. sp_addarticle

    2. sp_refreshsubscriptions

    to add the article you can also take the enterprise Manager Repl--> Properties --> articles (show unpublished) mark the article.

    start the snapshot agent



  • change your profile to continue on data consistency errors, and then restart your agent. This will skip these errors.

    You must then run a validation to determine how out of sync your publisher subscriber pair is.



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