Termainl Services Performance

  • I've been reading that running Terminal Services on the same server as SQL is just asking for trouble when it comes to performance.

    Is it the mere fact of installing TS that causes the performance hit or is it only when multiple users create TS sessions? I'm guessing that if I was the only user with TS access for support purposes I should be okay?


  • Are you running the application terminal services or the remote admin? We run remote admin here and it doesn't impact very much. Running app mode will impact more as the resource requirements go up, but it depends on what they are doing as well. You'd have to measure the load change as more users connect.

    Steve Jones




  • We are running terminal and remote admin with SQL and the impact is not so high to stop using it.

  • Thanks - we are running Remote Admin so we should be okay.

  • We originally were running Netop and tried PC-Duo and found TS/RA to be quite agreeable on memory in comparison. However, keep I would say mutiple TS/RA connections at the same time will cause performance issues but that is the case with any process that can do this as there is a lot of network traffic involved. Make sure you optimize the connection by turning off some of the extra crap such as background and so on if you have that enabled. And be sure that the drive your Documents and Settings folder is on has plenty of space since each user will get their own profile under this.

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