returning a record to a single variable,

  • I have what should always be a small record set of 8 columns from a query that I run,

    I would like to return this result set into one variable. This one variable is then passed to the body section of a lotus notes email.

    Creating an output file and attaching the results is not an option.


    John Zacharkan

    John Zacharkan

  • What type variable can be passed to your notes mail?

  • It uses extended sprocs, here's an example of the code

    DECLARE @EMAIL_FROM_1 [varchar](128)
    DECLARE @EMAIL_TO_2 [varchar](256)
    DECLARE @EMAIL_SUBJECT_5 [varchar](200)
    DECLARE @EMAIL_BODY_6 [varchar] (1500)
    DECLARE @EMAIL_CC_3 [varchar](256)
    DECLARE @EMAIL_BCC_4 [varchar](256)
    DECLARE @object int
    DECLARE @hr int

    set @email_from_1 = ''
    set @EMAIL_TO_2 = ''
    set @EMAIL_SUBJECT_5 = 'YOur Subject here'

    EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'CDONTS.NewMail', @object OUT
    EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'From', @EMAIL_FROM_1
    EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'To', @EMAIL_TO_2
    EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Body', @EMAIL_BODY_6
    EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Subject', @EMAIL_SUBJECT_5

    EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @object, 'Send', NULL
    IF @hr <> 0
    RAISERROR( 'Unable to send email! From=%s, To=%s, Subject = %s.', 16, 1, @EMAIL_FROM_1, @EMAIL_TO_2, @EMAIL_SUBJECT_5)
    EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @object, @hr
    EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @object

    I'm want to popluate @EMAIL_BODY_6 with a record set of failed jobs and long running jobs derived from syshistory and sysjobs I have a sproc that returns what I need I just need a simple way of email/paging me the result set when the return value <>0.

    John Zacharkan

    John Zacharkan

  • Here's a copy of the sp that generates the result set


    Create procedure test_for_job_failure
    set nocount on

    declare @num_days int
    declare @first_day datetime
    ,@last_day datetime
    declare @first_num int

    if @num_days is null
    set @num_days=30

    set @last_day = getdate()
    set @first_day = dateadd(dd, -@num_days, @last_day)

    select @first_num= cast(year(@first_day) as char(4))
    +replicate('0',2-len(month(@first_day)))+ cast(month(@first_day) as varchar(2))
    +replicate('0',2-len(day(@first_day)))+ cast(day(@first_day) as varchar(2))

    h.step_name, --extra
    'run_date'= cast(h.run_date as varchar(8)),
    'run_time'= replicate('0',6-len(h.run_time))+cast(h.run_time as varchar(6)),
    'run_datetime' = left(cast(h.run_date as varchar(8)),4)+'/'
    +substring(cast(h.run_date as varchar(8)),5,2)+'/'
    +right(cast(h.run_date as varchar(8)),2)+' '
    +left(replicate('0',6-len(h.run_time))+cast(h.run_time as varchar(6)),2)+':'
    +substring(replicate('0',6-len(h.run_time))+cast(h.run_time as varchar(6)),3,2)+':'
    +right(replicate('0',6-len(h.run_time))+cast(h.run_time as varchar(6)),2),
    run_duration = cast(h.run_duration as varchar(20)),
    run_duration_conv = case
    when (len(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(20))) < 3)
    then cast(h.run_duration as varchar(6))
    WHEN (len(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(20))) = 3)
    then LEFT(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(6)),1) * 60 --min
    + RIGHT(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(6)),2) --sec
    WHEN (len(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(20))) = 4)
    then LEFT(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(6)),2) * 60 --min
    + RIGHT(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(6)),2) --sec
    WHEN (len(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(20))) >= 5)
    then (Left(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(20)),len(h.run_duration)-4)) * 3600 --hour
    +(substring(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(20)) , len(h.run_duration)-3, 2)) * 60--min
    + Right(cast(h.run_duration as varchar(20)) , 2)--sec
    into #temp_jobhistory
    from msdb..sysjobhistory h, msdb..sysjobs j
    where h.job_id=j.job_id
    and h.run_date >= @first_num
    and h.step_id=0
    and j.enabled = 1

    select j.job_id
    ,'Sampling'=(select count(*) from #temp_jobhistory h where h.job_id=j.job_id)
    ,'fromRunDate' = (select min(run_date) from #temp_jobhistory h where h.job_id=j.job_id)
    ,'run_duration_max'=(select max(run_duration_conv) from #temp_jobhistory h where h.job_id=j.job_id)
    ,'run_duration_min'=(select min(run_duration_conv) from #temp_jobhistory h where h.job_id=j.job_id)
    ,'run_duration_avg'=(select avg(run_duration_conv) from #temp_jobhistory h where h.job_id=j.job_id)
    ,'Last_RunDate'=(select max(run_datetime) from #temp_jobhistory h where h.job_id=j.job_id)
    ,'Last_RunStatus'= null --(select run_status from #temp_jobhistory h where h.job_id=j.job_id)
    into #temp_runhistory
    from msdb..sysjobs j
    where j.enabled = 1

    update #temp_runhistory
    set Last_RunStatus = j.run_status
    from #temp_jobhistory j
    where #temp_runhistory.job_id=j.job_id
    and #temp_runhistory.Last_RunDate=j.run_datetime
    and j.run_datetime=(select max(run_datetime) from #temp_jobhistory j1
    where j1.job_id=#temp_runhistory.job_id)

    if exists (select Last_runstatus from #temp_runhistory where Last_RunStatus in (0,2,3)
    or (Last_Runduration -10 > run_duration_avg) )

    select name as 'Job Name',
    'Last_RunStatus'=case Last_RunStatus
    when 0 then 'Failed'
    when 1 then 'Succeeded'
    when 2 then 'Retry'
    when 3 then 'Canceled'
    when 4 then 'In progress'
    'Last_RunDuration'= cast(Last_RunDuration/3600 as varchar(10))
    +':'+replicate('0',2-len((Last_RunDuration % 3600)/60))+cast((Last_RunDuration % 3600)/60 as varchar(2))
    +':'+replicate('0',2-len((Last_RunDuration % 3600) %60))+cast((Last_RunDuration % 3600)%60 as varchar(2)),
    'Avg Duration (hh:mm:ss)' = cast(run_duration_avg/3600 as varchar(10))
    +':'+replicate('0',2-len((run_duration_avg % 3600)/60))+cast((run_duration_avg % 3600)/60 as varchar(2))
    +':'+replicate('0',2-len((run_duration_avg % 3600) %60))+cast((run_duration_avg % 3600)%60 as varchar(2)),
    'Max Duration (hh:mm:ss)' = cast(run_duration_max/3600 as varchar(10))
    +':'+replicate('0',2-len((run_duration_max % 3600)/60))+cast((run_duration_max % 3600)/60 as varchar(2))
    +':'+replicate('0',2-len((run_duration_max % 3600) %60))+cast((run_duration_max % 3600)%60 as varchar(2)),
    'Min Duration (hh:mm:ss)' = cast(run_duration_min/3600 as varchar(10))
    +':'+replicate('0',2-len((run_duration_min % 3600)/60))+cast((run_duration_min % 3600)/60 as varchar(2))
    +':'+replicate('0',2-len((run_duration_min % 3600) %60))+cast((run_duration_min % 3600)%60 as varchar(2)),
    fromRunDate as 'From Date'
    from #temp_runhistory where Last_RunStatus in (0,2,3) or (Last_Runduration -10 > run_duration_avg)


    drop table #temp_runhistory
    drop table #temp_jobhistory

    John Zacharkan

    John Zacharkan

  • Hi John,

    for the Body of an email is nothing more than a text, why can't you simply collect the information about failed jobs, loop through them, concatenate into a say varchar(xxx) and assign to the mails' body value?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Definitely a solution, and I have thought of it. I was looking to replicate what is done with SQL-Mail. Somehow it captures a select anything, multi record set without having to concatenate the data. But your solution does work.



    Hi John,

    for the Body of an email is nothing more than a text, why can't you simply collect the information about failed jobs, loop through them, concatenate into a say varchar(xxx) and assign to the mails' body value?



    John Zacharkan

    John Zacharkan

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