REPLACE to get rid of unwanted characters

  • I may have posted this question already. My brain has been a bit fried so please answer again, if you've already done so.

    I wanted to find a technique to find the rows where a column has more than one comma. We have data returned to us, delimited by commas and I want to get a quick heads-up to see if there is more than one comma in any given row.

    My first technique was as follows:

    select IDColumn

    , DataValue

    from TableCheck

    where len(DataValue) > len( replace(DataValue, ',', null ) plus 1

    <Note, the plus sign didn't show on Preview, so I spelled it out>

    With the above, when removing the commas, it shrinks the length of the varchar column. If the shrinkage is more than 1, then there's more than 1 comma. I was pretty proud of myself about this technique, but the REPLACE acted strangely. Instead of shrinking the length, it had kept it the same. The comma was replaced by a space.

    I got around this by replacing the comma with || and checking for proportionate INCREASE in length, but am I missing something here? I'm using SQL 7 on NT 4.0.



  • How about simply:

    select IDColumn

    , DataValue

    from TableCheck

    where DataValue like '%,%,%'

  • You could use this:

    create table #temp


    rowid int,

    dataval varchar(30)


    insert #temp(rowid, dataval)

    select 1, 'one,two,three,,' union all

    select 2, 'one,two three four' union all

    select 3, 'one,twothree' union all

    select 4, 'one,two,three,four' union all

    select 5, 'one,two three'

    select rowid, dataval

    from #temp

    where len(ltrim(rtrim(dataval))) - len(replace(ltrim(rtrim(dataval)), ',','')) >= 2

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