Change of Date formats when Processing Cubes

  • We have an issue I thought was produced by SQL2000 SP3, where processing a cube on a clients machine changed the date format from dd/mm/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy ?? But today another client phoned with the same problem but has not had SP3 loaded on her machine. Has anyone had this problem ? Any ideas would be greatfully received.

  • Hi Angie,

    SQL OLAP is very sensitive to regional settings. It just like the US one. I have troubles with my OLAP server too.

    I don't know if the client regional settings may infer to the result of their queries... But it can be a way to investigate.


  • Thanks Tom, yes we had come to that conclusion. We have checked the client and the servers regional settings and found them to be the same ???? One client Machine has SP3 the other client has not. The SQL Server is SP3 but the OLAP Server is not as I am loathed to do it until I resolve the Date format issue. ~ :o)

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