Read Only User

  • A user from another area of our company wants Read Only Access to one of our Databases. The database is on the live server, which he never normally has any access to.

    He will be accessing the data through Enterprise Manager or through Query Analyser. So what I did was added him as a user to the server (using SQL Server Auth.), giving db_datareader role on that one database. Then he registered the server on Ent Manager with his login.

    I'm not sure this is the best way. What would you have done? I was thinking perhaps a linked server would have been better. (His department have their own server and administer it themselves). Any help would be great.



  • I would have also checked db_denydatawriter.

    Does this person need to see ALL of the tables/columns in the database? If not, you might consider creating a view.


  • The permissions you gave look fine and that is probably what I would have done. If I could though I would try to get more specific to see what he really needs to select as I have seen far to many times where the customer will just start randomly opening tables and selecting thousands / millions of rows of data thereby causing slowdowns to all other customers.

    So, if you can pin down what he wants to see specifically you can create a view as SQLBill suggested and cut down on the potential over-selection issues.

    Hope this helps.




    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

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