Question Regarding DB Design & Replication

  • Hi All,

    I just want seek an advice about Database design. I have 2-3 databases on different location with some common tables and those get replicated at the end of the day. I am thinking of introducing the surrogate keys is it a good idea or should i use other approach mean proper 3NF design, i need some advices. What are the best approaches for replication in this scenario from DB design point of view. I mean when to use surrogate keys etc.



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  • If you're going to use merge it makes you add a guid as a column, which makes a great key and you dont have to deal with identity ranges on each box. Worth doing to me.


  • Thanx for replying,

    So what i was thinking that i will create the proper relationship and then GUID will help me as unique column which i will not need if i create proper relationships.

    Kind REgards,


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