Showing performance increase

  • I ran the profile and have the script to add some indexes. Now how do I show the increase in performance to my management once these indexes are created?


  • The best way to is to get a baseline of the system before the adding the indexes. First, use Performance Monitor to capture performance levels for processor, memory, lock wait times, etc. To be honest, only the lock wait times may be affected... it really depends on how hard the hardware was being taxed in the first place.

    Then use Profiler to get some hard numbers on query duration. I know there is some discussion about these, but generally after applying the scripts, you should see these numbers drop. That should give you some statistics.

    Also, you can take some of the major queries/stored procedures affected by the indexes and do the execution plan costs (SET SHOWPLAN_ALL will give you a recordset)... but if your management isn't highly technical, they probably won't understand this.

    But the first two should give you some hard and fast numbers.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanks for the help. I will use your suggestions.

  • The simplest is to catch the reads, writes, cpu and duration from profiler.

    If you added the correct indexes then these should all reduce. The smaller the numbers the better the app will run with more users.

    The non-technical way is to time a process or set of processes in your app before and after. Management generally prefer this as you can say it now takes 1 second to save a new order rather than 5 before. Thats 500% more business you should be able to process!!

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled

    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP

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