Use Trusted Connection Setting

  • When creating a User Data Source via ODBC Data Source Administrator - test connection successful. However, when using this User Data Source Name via Ms Access, connection fails, due to Server Login Dialog Box - Use Trusted Connection is selected. This tells me that the system thinks the User is setup under Windows Authentication Mode. However, when I check the Security Logins via Enterprise Manager, the Authentication mode is set to SQL, plus that we are running Win98.

    Also, if File Data Source is created the above problem does not occur.

    Any suggestions.

    Emma Smyth


  • When you set up the DSN, it's using a sql login? And you should get prompted to re-enter it when you use the DSN to link in whatever tables you need.


  • Is the client or the SQL Server running on Win98?

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Initially when trying to link a table through Machine Data Source, which uses the DSN created through ODBC. An error message is displayed -

    Connection Failed

    SQL State 'S1000'

    SQL Server Error: 2

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Cannot generate SSPI context

    Then the SQL Server Login Box appears, with Use Trusted Connection checked. If this is then unchecked, we can access SQL Server.

    However, when using a File Data Source this does not occur.

    SQL Server is installed on Windows 2000

    Emma Smyth


  • Furthermore...

    This seems to be occuring on only one machine?

    I don't know if this makes a difference, however, I connect to the Server through an IP address, whilst others connect through an alternative server name.

    Emma Smyth


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