Executing Sproc with input & output params

  • I am trying to execute a stored procedure from an Execute SQL Task. The stored procedure has two input parameters and one output parameter. I am having a problem getting the syntax correct for executing the sproc and was hoping someone could steer me in the right direction. The only example I could find was for executing a sproc with an output parameter but no input parameters. I am thinking the syntax should be something like:

    DECLARE @myval int

    Exec spTest ?,?, @output = @myval OUTPUT

    Select @myval as myval

    Anyway, any help would be appreciated!

    Many thanks,


    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • Sorry, I should have added that I want to map the output parameter value from the sproc to a global variable...I also realize I can do this from a Dynamic Properties task but there should be a way to do it via an Execute SQL task as well...



    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • I don't think you'll be able to get the value from the SP into the global variable. Unless... Thinking here... You execute the dts package from within a stored procedure. Your master procedure would first call your other stored procedure and retrieve the value. Then you can pass the value to the global variable in the dts package when you call DTS run from xp_cmdshell.

    Good luck,


    Oh yeah. Here's the syntax you were looking for:

    create procedure _test


    @id int,

    @xtype varchar(1),

    @name varchar(25) output



    select @name = name from sysobjects where id = @id and xtype = @xtype


    declare @id int, @xtype varchar(1), @name varchar(25)

    set @id = 1

    set @xtype = 's'

    exec _test @id, @xtype, @name output

    print @name

  • Thank you! I will save the example code you provided, but I wimped out and did it through an ActiveX task using ADO and a command object which I passed the parameters to...

    Thank you,


    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

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