
  • Hi all of you,

    I am new SQL Server, I want to connect SQL Server with ASP language and I only want to connect one. As global.asa file,

    anybody can guide me using global.asa file for connecting SQL Server

    Thank in advance

  • I can give you the basics:

    Create a function in the Global.asa file to open the connection. Use the ADO connection object to do this.



    dim cn

    set cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")

    cn.connectionstring = "string"

    MyFunc = cn

    End Func

  • Don't connect in global.asa. Put the connection string there and then reference that on each page as Jon suggested.

    Steve Jones

  • Is it bad to connection global.asa? If so, why? Thought it was only basd to store connection (or other object) in a session variable?


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