loading sample data with 3rd party tools.

  • Brian, I liked your review of Datatect 1.6. I had been looking for some tool for quite a while to load data into a database just to simulate load and give a large enough sample to really run a server through the paces. My second delema always was I needed "real world" data to load into the database not just jiberish. Lastly, it is always hard to justify spending 1000 bucks on a small tool to my boses. Thats when I found Arg Database Populator v3.1. Its free it's pretty fast and it uses standard inserts to do all the loads. I have used it to pop databases up to 18 gb with real data. It's not as "feature rich" as datatect but it is free.

    From the user guide:

    "Quickly generates user-defined, meaningful but random data via ODBC.

    Up to 100 tables each with up to 256 fields can be populated at a time.

    Foreign key generation based on values in another table.

    Customised counting sequences.

    User-populated lookup tables for Names, Cities, etc.

    Generates random Names, Address, Dates and Numbers, all user-configurable.

    Data generation can be synchronised - titles match gender, towns match counties, etc.

    Generates from 1 to 2 billion records per table. "

    It does its job well. I suggest that if you haven't looked at it and you need a dataloader tool to check it out!


  • Hey Wes, write us a review.

    Steve Jones


  • I'll second that motion. Wes, if you've used it and are happy with it, we'd love to see a review of it. If you're interested email any one of us and we can give you details on how our publishing process works.

    Note: This offer open to all our members - we're content and reader driven here!


  • I'd love to. I'm the king of cheap or free tools to do SQL work with. I also write lots of little tools to help out our day to day stuff.

  • Where can I find this data loading tool?


    Steve Armistead



  • Thanks Wes! I'd love to see the product. Could you post the URL? Free is always good!

    Brian Knight



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