Why does Fulltext Search become disabled?

  • When I restarted SQl Server service, the scheduled 2-hourly incremental population of FTI failed with the message "Fulltext Search is not enabled for the current database". This was only noticed the following morning and was on a production server, which was not good news. Any ideas why it stopped?

    Paul Ibison


    Paul Ibison

  • I've had problems in the past when the folder name(s) were changed for some reason. Usually you have to drop all the full text stuff, remove the folder, rebuild it.


  • Hadn't renamed the folder, but had issued dbcc reindex, update statistics and sp_recompile on all tables. I guess one of these is the cause, but will need to set up a little test project to find out.

    Paul Ibison


    Paul Ibison

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