SSIS package: import tables from MySQL to sql server 2008

  • I started learning the SSIS. I created SSIS package trying to import data from MySql to SQL Server 2008. For each table I added DataFlowTask. In each task I have ADO net source, OleDb desctination, and data conversion component. when I tried to run the package the second dataFlowtask produced error:

    Error: 0xC020838F at TaskName, ADO NET Source [1]: An error occurred executing the provided SQL command: "select * from "DBName"."TblName"". There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first.

    I can I close DataReader if it possible and if not should I create new connection for each task? there should be some solution.

    Appreciate your input.

  • I am not pretty much clear about your package design :unsure:...

    Are the dataflows running in parallel? Have you created single connection for all dataflows or all are having individual new connection to the same database?




  • hi:

    I resolved this problem by resetting flag RetainSameConnect to false for MySQL Connection component in ConnectionManages.

    thank you!

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