Legacy DTS Package

  • First, let me say this was not my project, I am just helping out because that admin is no vacation.

    Apparently about a month ago a server was migrated from SQL2k/Server 2003 to SQL2k5/Server2008 (clustered). They migrated over the DTS packages.

    Now when trying to execute it for them, I am getting an error. The step is a step that copies the data from the flat file to the database. Everything in the step looks fine (I can previews, all columns matchg up).

    When that step is executed in the package, thou I get:

    error Source: Microsoft DTS Package

    Error Description: Error Code: 0

    Error Source: microsoft VBScript runtime error

    Error Description: File Not Found

    Error on line 34

    There is no VBScript in the package, so all I can figure is that it's refering to the underlying DTS code. Incidentally, the package does work in QA (but QA is a non-clustered server 2003 box)

    Any ideas?

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  • One thing you can try is run the steps in the package individually one by one, so that you would know at what step is the DTS (Now SSIS) package is throwing the error.

    At that point, I would recomend you take a closer look at the step at QA and prod where you have this error. I assume that particular step is reading/writing/logging info to a file or a folder which is missing in prod.

    Have you checked that?

    Bru Medishetty

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  • Are we sure the version in QA is EXACTLY the same as the prod version. Also, does the package call any other packages. However, I did have another thought.. Data pump transforms CAN be done with an ActiveX script, so you need to look at the data pump mappings to see if any of them use ActiveX scripting.


  • That was it, when I dud down into the data pump, I found that the person set it up with an Active-X script to verify the existance of the file. Thanks

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    Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!

  • Super, glad to hear it.


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