Connection pool max out

  • Guys,

    I am trying to troubleshoot connection pool max out issue. Below is the error

    we are getting

    "The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool.

    This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max

    pool size was reached."

    Towards troubleshooting this error is it safe to assume that each SPID from

    the activity monitor is a unique connection from the application and that each

    of these SPIDs contribute towards the connection pool.

    Any suggestions/inputs would help.


  • the connection pool is client side.

    afaik by default the connection pool size is 100 connections.

    You can monitor it using windows perfmon.

    At sqlserver level you can get an overview of pooled connections as well.

    "How To Tell: If connections to SQL Server are pooled (or not) "


    maybe also have a look at "The .NET Connection Pool Lifeguard"


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  • In the connection string just add "Max Pool Size ="..

    I would personally look at the application that is setting/creating pool size. In my experience it has been the application not closing to connection properly.

    If you do increase the pool size, keep an eye on the memory. In my case it was a web server app that was not clearing the connection, the dev increase to pool size (as temp measure) therefore the memory increase dramatically!

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