• I have database maintenance scheduled on databases for 7:00 p.m. each night. However, in looking at the SQL logs, I noticed entries that "CHECKDB for database 'database name' finished without errors on date/time" that don't correspond with the maintenance schedule. This happens either in the morning or mid-afternoon.

    What would trigger this to run if it's not part of the scheduled maintenance plan?



  • does this coincide with a 'starting up database' message?.

    Everytime a database starts SQL displays the last successful time CHECKDB ran. check the time , it won't be the current time but 7pm the previous night, it is not actually running checkdb.

    this suggests you have the autoclose option set to ON, if this is production turn this option OFF.


  • That's exactly it... there is a starting up database message and the database is set to close.

    Thank you.


  • no probs.


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