How do I show YTD average at montly intervals?

  • I have a table for tracking trouble tickets. For this question all I need to worry about is the following columns from the table.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tickets](

    [Ticket_ID] [char](8) NULL,

    [StartTime] [datetime] NULL,

    [EndTime] [datetime] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    Insert Into dbo.Tickets (Ticket_ID, StartTime, EndTime)

    Select 'T1234567', '1/1/2009 11:53:00', '1/3/2009 1:09:00' Union All

    Select 'T1234568', '2/1/2009 1:03:00', '2/2/2009 1:19:00' Union All

    Select 'T1234569', '3/1/2009 10:50:00', '3/4/2009 1:06:00' Union All

    Select 'T1234570', '4/1/2009 12:51:00', '4/3/2009 3:49:00';

    SELECT DATEDIFF(s, StartTime, EndTime) / 86400.0 AS DaysToClose

    FROM Tickets;

    Drop Table dbo.Tickets

    I need to show the average close time YTD at intervals of each month. So in other words I need a YTD average for 1/1 - 1/31 then the next row should show YTD average from 1/1 - 2/28 then the next row from 1/1 - 3/31 and so on.

    I'm drawing a blank on where to get started.

  • Something like this?

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#Tickets](

    [Ticket_ID] [char](8) NULL,

    [StartTime] [datetime] NULL,

    [EndTime] [datetime] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    Insert Into dbo.#Tickets (Ticket_ID, StartTime, EndTime)

    Select 'T1234567', '1/1/2009 11:53:00', '1/3/2009 1:09:00' Union All

    Select 'T1234568', '2/1/2009 1:03:00', '2/2/2009 1:19:00' Union All

    Select 'T1234569', '3/1/2009 10:50:00', '3/4/2009 1:06:00' Union All

    Select 'T1234570', '4/1/2009 12:51:00', '4/3/2009 3:49:00';


    DATEDIFF(s, StartTime, EndTime) / 86400.0 AS DaysToClose



    ;WITH aggregator( ID, DaysToClose, Total)



    SELECTID, DaysToClose, CAST(DaysToClose AS decimal( 15, 7 ))


    WHEREID = 1


    SELECTc.ID, c.DaysToClose, CAST(c.DaysToClose + a.Total AS decimal( 15, 7 ))

    FROM#Calc c

    JOIN aggregator a ON c.ID = a.ID + 1


    SELECT ID, DaysToClose, Total, CAST(Total / ID AS decimal( 15, 7 )) AS RunningAverage FROM aggregator

    Drop Table #Tickets

    Drop Table #Calc



  • Thanks but that doesn't get me what I'm looking for. I don't need a running total for every ticket. Just at monthly intervals, maybe weekly would be nice. However I tried the query and got the following error after 100 rows.

    Msg 530, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    The statement terminated. The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement completion.

    I did stumble accross this cross join query which seems to get me what I need but must be very inefficient because it takes forever to run on a years worth of tickets.

    SELECT YEAR(x.EndTime) as Year, MONTH(x.EndTime) AS Month, AVG(DATEDIFF(s, y.StartTime, y.EndTime) / 86400.0) AS DaysToClose

    FROM Tickets AS x CROSS JOIN

    Tickets AS y

    WHERE (MONTH(x.EndTime) >= 1) AND (MONTH(x.EndTime) BETWEEN MONTH(y.EndTime) AND MONTH(y.EndTime) + 12)

    AND year(x.EndTime)= year(y.endtime)

    GROUP BY YEAR(x.EndTime), MONTH(x.EndTime)

    ORDER BY Month

  • I'm not sure if you do have a calendar table yet. If not, you really should think about using one. (search for "calendar table" on this site for details).

    To show you the basic concept how I would do it I created a CTE (cteCalendar) that would hold month values (simplified for this case, usually I would populate it by day).

    Another question would be:

    How would you handle tickets that would start in one month but end in the following? The example below assumes that values would be aggregated by start month...

    ;with cteValues AS



    dateadd(mm, datediff(mm, 0, StartTime), 0) AS YearMonth,

    datediff(mi, StartTime, EndTime)/1440.00 AS duration

    FROM Tickets


    cteMonth AS



    SELECT '20090201' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20090301' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20090401' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20090501' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20090601' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20090701' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20090801' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20090901' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20091001' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20091101' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20091201'



    year(month_) AS [Year],

    month(month_) AS [Month],

    AVG(duration) AS DaysToClose

    FROM cteValues

    INNER JOIN cteMonth ON YearMonth <= month_

    WHERE month_ <= (SELECT max(YearMonth) FROM cteValues)

    GROUP BY month_

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  • lmu92's solution looks to do the trick but I figured I'd post mine as well. Just another way of going about things. This also assumes that we use the start date of the ticket to determine the duration it is open.

    DECLARE @minStartTime DATETIME,

    @maxEndTime DATETIME,

    @months INT


    @minStartTime = CONVERT(CHAR(10), DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(min(StartTime))-1),min(StartTime)),101),

    @maxEndTime = CONVERT(CHAR(10), DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(max(EndTime))-1),max(EndTime)),101)

    FROM dbo.Tickets

    SELECT @months = DATEDIFF(mm,@minStartTime,@maxEndTime)


    DATEADD(MM,s.number,@minStartTime) monthStartDate,

    SUM(DATEDIFF(s, t.StartTime, t.EndTime)) AS openSeconds,

    COUNT(1) AS ticketCount,

    SUM(DATEDIFF(DAY, t.StartTime, t.EndTime))/COUNT(1) as averageOpenSeconds

    FROM master..spt_values s

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Tickets t

    ON DATEADD(MM,s.number + 1,@minStartTime) > t.StartTime

    WHERE s.number <= @months

    AND s.type = 'P'

    GROUP BY DATEADD(MM,s.number,@minStartTime)

    ORDER BY DATEADD(MM,s.number,@minStartTime)

  • lmu92's comments got me going in the right direction. Executing the CTE query worked except that I had more than one years worth of tickets in my production table and I had to add an additional condition to the WHERE clause to keep the years from mixing.

    WHERE year(YearMonth) = year(month_)

    But it got me looking at Tally tables and I found this article on the subject Tally Tables[/url]

    and this thread on how to use it as a Calendar Table which lead me to exactly what I needed.

    I created a Tally table as per the article and joined it with my tickets table to get the results I needed. In fact I went ahead and broke it down by week instead of month which was my long term goal anyway. Below is the query that gets me what I need.

    SELECT AVG(DATEDIFF(s, Tickets.StartTime, Tickets.EndTime) / 86400.0) AS DaysToClose,





    (SELECT DATEPART(wk, DATEADD(d, (N - 1) * 7, '1/1/2006')) AS WeekNo,

    DATEPART(mm, DATEADD(d, (N - 1) * 7, '1/1/2006')) AS PeriodNo,

    DATEPART(yy, DATEADD(d, (N - 1) * 7, '1/1/2006')) AS YearNo,

    DATEADD(d, (N - 1) * 7, '1/1/2006') AS WeekStartDate, DATEADD(d, - 1,

    DATEADD(d, N * 7, '1/1/2006')) AS WeekEndDate

    FROM Tally

    WHERE (DATEADD(d, (N - 1) * 7, '1/1/2006') <= GETDATE())) AS TallyCalendar

    ON DATEPART(wk, Tickets.EndTime) <= TallyCalendar.WeekNo AND

    YEAR(Tickets.EndTime) = TallyCalendar.YearNo

    GROUP BY TallyCalendar.YearNo, TallyCalendar.WeekNo, TallyCalendar.WeekEndDate

    HAVING (TallyCalendar.WeekEndDate <= GETDATE())

    ORDER BY TallyCalendar.WeekEndDate

    Notice hard coded in here is 1/1/2006 which just happens to be a year that the first Sunday occurs on the 1st day of the year. This works for me because I don't plan to look past this date anyway.

    To prevent it from showing dates beyond what I would possibly have in my tickets table then I limited the WeekEndDate to whatever today is.

    This runs pretty fast considering all the number crunching that happens.

    Thanks for all the help folks!!!

  • Glad I could help, Jay!!

    I'd like to thank you to follow my "hint" on calendar tables and to come up with that nice solution (instead of asking: "How do I do it?"). Good job!! 😀

    Your subselect is pretty much the same than what I would have put in the CTE when using a calendar table.

    One thing might be worth to think about:

    If you have to deal with calendar queries like the one you posted you might want to think about building a permanent calendar table using the tally table concept. That would allow you to simply join to the calendar table instead of writing the subquery over and over again...

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