find invalid views

  • ok, supposed someone runs an upgrade script on a dev database, adding dropping tables, columns, what have you. typical scenario.

    that scrip also ran sp_refreshview for every view, and that "someone" ignored any errors and closed the window, but then that "someone" came to you and said " i ran this script, but there were errors, i think related to views, i dunno. so you can't go back to his SSMS window and grab the results to manually go thru them;

    after they are all refreshed, how can i find which views are invalid? i looked with select * from sys.views but see nothing related in invalid-ness; i would swear i knew this, but i'm dropping the ball today.

    i guess i could run sp_refresh agaisnt each view again, because it would still be broken if a table got renamed, column dropped, etc, but it would be nioce to determine broken views/procs prgramatically.


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  • After reading your post I was thinking how many times I go to this one database I "look after but don't manage" and find tonnes of views that are broken. It's just a small DB, but worth a look. So I wrote a little something up to check it. Seems to work. It's a bit ghetto with detecting error in try catch and using a cursor, but if you want to try it out, it's up to you.


    DECLARE @badViews TABLE (viewname nvarchar(4000))

    DECLARE @tmpView NVARCHAR(4000)


    select QUOTENAME('.'+QUOTENAME( from sys.views v

    inner join sys.schemas s on v.schema_id = s.schema_id

    OPEN acursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM acursor INTO @tmpView





    exec sp_refreshview @tmpView




    INSERT @badViews VALUES (@tmpView)


    FETCH NEXT FROM acursor INTO @tmpView


    CLOSE acursor

    DEALLOCATE acursor

    SELECT * FROM @badViews

    EDIT-Made a small change so it works on SQL 2008 as well

  • Thanks Jamie; that's about how i would have tackled it too, but i thought there was some new sys views or the DMV Data Management Views that might identify items that were not compiling;

    I found a CLR based example that basically does what our cursor would do...test each view and see if it fails.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

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