SQL server 2005 difFerente behavior?

  • Hi masters,

    I'm upgrading to SQL Server 2005.

    I have some doughts about SQL Server 2005 behavior when compared with SQL Server 2000.

    First question is:

    Are there any differences between the behavior of a SQL Server 2000 database using simple recovery model and a SQL Server 2000 converted to 2005 (trought restore and changing the compatibility level) using the simple recovery model? in other words, when i restore a database (Sql server 2000) in SQL server 2005 , and change compatibility level to 90, i leave the recovery model in simple mode.

    Will my database have a different behavior ? or is the same? including to my apps.

    What about the auto_shrink? are there any diferences?

    Note - I know that simple recovery model is not a good practice for production databases because i can not do point in time restores and much other questions. I know to that auto_shrink causes much fragmentation , even more bad if i have the auto_grow option activated too.

    But in this case i just what to know if there are any diferences to me or to my applications.

    that you very much,


  • Are there any differences between the behavior of a SQL Server 2000 database using simple recovery model and a SQL Server 2000 converted to 2005 (trought restore and changing the compatibility level) using the simple recovery model? in other words, when i restore a database (Sql server 2000) in SQL server 2005 , and change compatibility level to 90, i leave the recovery model in simple mode.

    Will my database have a different behavior ? or is the same? including to my apps.

    No. It will be the same.

    What about the auto_shrink? are there any diferences?

    Don't use auto shrink under any circumstances if you can avoid it.

  • yap, i know.

    Auto_shrink has no advantages.

    But what i need to know is if there are any differences between a database that as auto_shrink in SQL Server 2000 and a database that was converted from 2000 to 2005 and have the auto_shrink torned ON too.

    Thank you for your help.

  • Technically speaking, they are the same.

    However, you're asking the wrong question. Why do you need to know whether it's the same? What is it that you're trying to find out?

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