how to find and turn off a trace flag

  • trying to upgrade a multi instance of 2005 to 2008, so i can eventually get filestream enabled for the 2008. see attachment for the current install discovery rpt

    i can't do the upgrade due to a global trace flag, the upgrade advisor doesn't like, see attachment for that, the flag reported is:

    Location: Startup/Enabled

    Trace Flag: 8017

    i don't seem to have any tools, like a query analyzer to turn off the flag (dbcc traceoff) and the startup for the hpwja service, where the trace is evidently set, has files that again i don't seem to have any access to:

    -dC:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\master.mdf;-eC:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\ERRORLOG;-lC:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\mastlog.ldf

    any ideas how to get this global trace turned off?


  • Try running DBCC TRACESTATUS to check which trace flag is set on. After that you can turn it off DBCC traceoff command


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  • Did you check the effected object.

    DBCC TRACESTATUS(-1) check all trace status

    DBCC TRACEOFF(1807, 3604) off trace 1807 and 3604

    Tanx πŸ˜€

  • SELECT * FROM :: fn_trace_getinfo(default)

    displays ALL traces running

    sp_trace_setstatus @traceid=1, @status=20=stop,1=start,2=stop/purge


    exec sp_trace_setstatus 1, 1

    Tim White

  • 2 Tim 3:16 (6/29/2009)

    SELECT * FROM :: fn_trace_getinfo(default)

    displays ALL traces running

    sp_trace_setstatus @traceid=1, @status=20=stop,1=start,2=stop/purge


    exec sp_trace_setstatus 1, 1

    I think that you are referring to server side trace. The original poster referred to trace flags. Those are 2 completely different things.


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  • so finally i found and installed the server mgt studio express

    sure enough the tracestatus returned the same trace as the sql install report, 8017, status=1, global

    i ran the traceoff, got successful query message, but when i execute the status again it still shows as there, and when i ran the 2008 upgrade advisory after the traceoff it still shows up there as well?

    is there something else that needs to be done because its 'global'?

    or is there something more 'permanent' about it because it must be being set in a startup routine, and somehow the 2008 upgrade is finding that startup?

  • also ran the fn_trace_getinfo, see results in attachment, it doesn't seem to have any information about the 8017 trace.

    however, i did try and look at the log_104.trc file, its not ascii, is there some other ms tool that can the contents of that?

  • The only way I know to directly read a trace file is to open it in SQL Profiler. You can also load the trace file into a table (which makes it easy to query).

    I'd suggest killing the default trace and then try your upgrade again.

    exec sp_trace_setstatus 1, 2

    Tim White

  • fn_trace_getinfo(default) is a function that returns information about server side trace. Since SQL Server has a default trace, you got back information about the default trace. This however has absolutely nothing to do with trace flags.

    As for your question – take a look at this URL – and see if it helps.


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  • ok finally got it, the traceoff needs a parameter to specify its global vs session, traceoff(5017,-1) is the syntax that works, so i can proceed with the upgrade

    however, my upgrade to 2008 is failing with an ambiguous message:


    Checks whether the specified feature meets SQL Server 2008 upgrade requirements.


    The specified edition upgrade is not supported. For information about supported upgrade paths, see the SQL Server 2008 version and edition upgrade matrix in Books Online.

    please see attachment for the my current install discovery report, anything obvious there to prevent an upgrade to 2008? i need an non-express upgrade because i want to be able to enable filestream. my understanding is filestream will not enable if sqlexpress on a 32bit platform, if 2008 sqlexpress, it needs to be a 64bit platform to enable filestream.

  • The problem is clear - you can only upgrade to SQL Server 2008 Express, unless you installed Advance, which is then upgradable to Workgroup.

    What you can do is upgrade to SQL Server 2008 Express, then upgrade to 2008 Standard/Enterprise - which is a supported upgrade path.

    Jeffrey Williams
    β€œWe are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

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  • Why do you think that filestream needs a 64 bit edition and won’t work with 32 bit edition? Take a look at this URL (Features supported by SQL Server 2008 editions), it says nothing about the need to work with 64 bits for filestream. Do you have another source that says that express edition has to be 64 bit in order to work with filestream?


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  • i'll try installing advance and then the upgrade and let you know.

    so i'm assuming i can install the advance version over my current instances, yes? well i'm about to find out.

    as far as filestream with ss2008 express, yes somebody in another post brought up the 64bit restriction.

    so i'm not 100% sure on that,


    but what i can say,for sure, is during the install, when i went to the filestream tab, the options there were grayed out, i did not have the option at install to enable filestream.

  • Check 'Version and Edition Upgrades' on the Microsoft site to ensure that the upgrade you are attempting is possible:


  • ElbowsOffTable (11/2/2009)

    Check 'Version and Edition Upgrades' on the Microsoft site to ensure that the upgrade you are attempting is possible:


    -- Sorry team, I didn't realise there was a page 2 on this blog. Complete newbie finding my way around.

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