Ad Hoc Reporting with parameters

  • Ok, maybe I did not ask the question right so I'll back up and start over.

    If I have only one table to use to build an Ad Hoc report with user defined parameters do I construct it any differently then if I had multiple tables.

    Main datasource query to pull need data from the one table:

    SELECT column A, column B, column C, column D, column E

    FROM table_123

    WHERE column E = '0' (needed to sort out redundant rows, the table is a nightmare)

    Now, from this I need to have a parameter(s) based on the results of the above query.


    Should I pull the whole table as my main datasource then create the parameters from that.

    I know this sounds a little :crazy:, but I have no one here that knows anything about Reporting Services, all I have are books and the Internet. So ANY assistance will be helpful! I think I have just confused myself from trying too many different paths.


  • You mention Reporting Services in your question. If that's what you're using, I think you may have better luck getting a response in the "Business Intelligence" forum.

    Also, do take a look at

  • Ohk, here is your query.

    SELECT column A, column B, column C, column D, column E

    FROM table_123

    WHERE column E = '0

    Since this is an Ad hoc report, I assume you have built and published the Report Model with this one table(or more tables) in the dsv.

    Using Report Builder, build a report using this table_123 'ENTITY' and add filters to the report. While adding filter make sure you right click on the filter to select 'Prompt as Query', to turn Filters to become Parameters for the report. Test it and publish the ad hoc report.

    The above approach is for Ad hoc reports using Report Models.

    If you used the term 'Ad Hoc' in a casual sense and did not really mean 'using Report Builder' and just want to create a report, then do revert back.

    Business Users create reports using Report Builder/Models and developers create reports using Business Intelligent Development Studio (BIDS).

    View Siva Gurusamy's profile on LinkedIn

    "Software changes. This is a rather obvious statement, but it is a fact that must be ever present in the minds of developers and architects. Although we tend to think of software development as chiefly an engineering exercise, the analogy breaks down very quickly. When was the last time someone asked the designers of the Empire State building to add ten new floors at the bottom, put a pool on the top, and have all of this done before Monday morning? " : Doug Purdy, Microsoft Corporation

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